Disclaimer: this step-by-step GIST has been created with no guarantees, I may have missed some steps because of distraction or chiptune improvised on-chair-dancing, so be patient and let me know if I must add or fix something.
This is the way for living long and prospering!
Download and install Raspberry Imager: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/
Then put your SD in your laptop or desktop, choose and write the image Ubuntu Server 20.10 64Bit (or 32Bit if you prefer).
Boot your Raspberry Pi 4 with the new system, log in with ubuntu
and set a new password (the OS will ask to do so).
Edit the following file: sudo nano /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
in order to have your configuration like this:
## already there
dhcp4: true
optional: true
version: 2
## what you need to add:
dhcp4: true
optional: true
password: "WiFi_password"
then you can type: sudo netplan generate && sudo netplan apply
or just reboot.
I didn't face any issue, but if you meet some problems try to read the source. Source > https://itsfoss.com/connect-wifi-terminal-ubuntu/
Just sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y
Install console-common
with the following command: sudo apt install console-common
. After that configure the keyboard with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Well... just sudo apt install net-tools
, you can then check your nice IP's.
If you're snobbish about default usernames and hostnames, or you have a favourite way to name your laptop/desktop hosts/users like me (i.e. all my devices and usernames are named against Transformers characters), you need to do a couple of things.
Just sudo nano /etc/hostname
and then reboot. Nothing else (in /etc/hosts
I didn't find any reference to the old hostname).
Just sudo adduser your_cool_username && sudo adduser your_cool_username sudo
and then you will have a new user to log-in with.
If you also want to remove the user ubuntu
, you need to log-out and then log-in with your new user. Then just sudo userdel -r ubuntu
, it will delete user settings and home folder. By the way, don't worry about the error for mail spool, it's ok.
To make Minikube
work, you need to enable some Linux kernel features named Control Groups
. I didn't get why but in Ubuntu the cmdline.txt
is placed in a different folder from RaspOS/Raspian. Anyway as always just sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
and add the following settings at the end of the line, not in a new line, but at the end of the first line:
cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1
Fortunately, there's a funny shell-script to make the things trivial for us. For starters curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
then just sudo sh get-docker.sh
Once done I strongly suggest to add your user or ubuntu
user to the docker
group: sudo usermod -aG docker your_cool_user
Source > https://phoenixnap.com/kb/docker-on-raspberry-pi
is a nice CLI tool for installing Kubernetes apps and other related stuff. Just curl -sSL https://dl.get-arkade.dev | sudo sh
and then you're done.
Well, you can now just type arkade get kubectl
and follow the instructions provided by arkade.
Now the not-that-trivial part. At this moment minikube
is not fully ready for the ARM architecture, some features are missing, but with some caveats, you can run it and start to play with it. Just keep in mind minikube
for ARM is not production-ready, yet.
For starters just curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-arm64
(remove the 64
if you need the 32bit version). After that just sudo install minikube-linux-arm64 /usr/local/bin/minikube
(again remove the 64
if you downloaded the 32bit version.
To start minikube
we need to run it with the none driver
since the docker driver
is not ready yet. What's the difference? The docker driver
specifies to minikube
to use its own embedded Docker daemon service, with none driver
instead of you just tell to minikube
to use your hosted Docker daemon service, this is why you needed to install docker
before anything else (as you've read above).
For starters: sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none
and then you have to wait sometime to get your Kubernetes bootstrapped. When done you should get a message like this:
When using the none driver, the kubectl config and credentials generated will be root-owned and will appear in the root home directory.
You will need to move the files to the appropriate location and then set the correct permissions. An example of this is below:
sudo mv /root/.kube $HOME/.kube # this will write over any previous configuration
sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.kube
sudo chgrp -R $USER $HOME/.kube
sudo mv /root/.minikube $HOME/.minikube # this will write over any previous configuration
sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.minikube
sudo chgrp -R $USER $HOME/.minikube
Well before doing anything explained above, you have to stop minikube
: sudo minikube stop
Then move from root
the hidden folders .kube
and .minikube
to yours, then change owner and group like explained in the message.
If everything is fine and before to run minikube
again, it's better to delete the old node instance (since it's all configured with root settings) with just: minikube delete
(yep, no sudo this time). Then you should be able to run minikube start --vm-driver=none
w/o sudo.
Side note: for some reason when you reboot your Raspberry, it's not possible to start minikube
again, you forced to delete the node with minikube delete
and then minikube start --vm-driver=none
. Maybe I missed something when I can get why such thing happens I will update the GIST.
The official guide suggests testing the service by using echoserver
however an ARM64 build for it is not still ready, hence it's better to create a deployment with a whoami
# kubectl create deployment whoami --image=containous/whoami
it's also possible to write it as follow:
# minikube kubectl -- create deployment whoami --image=containous/whoami
but there's no difference, so it's up to you what you prefer.
After a while you can then expose the service:
# kubectl expose deployment whoami --type=LoadBalancer --port=80
service/whoami exposed
To check the exposed port you can just:
# minikube service whoami
| default | whoami | 80 | |
# curl -X GET
Hostname: whoami-734d555321-7fxw5
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: */*
Source > https://www.grottedubarbu.fr/raspberry-4-minikube-ubuntu-arm64/
On the latest install of Kubernetes v1.26.1 i had to do some additional steps:
chown -R root:root /tmp
Some issues i ran into were:
Error on minikube start:
sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0
"minikube update-context"
if you see output like: