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// ==UserScript== | |
// @name TweetXer | |
// @namespace https://github.com/lucahammer/tweetXer/ | |
// @version 0.9.3 | |
// @description Delete all your Tweets for free. | |
// @author Luca,dbort,pReya,Micolithe,STrRedWolf | |
// @license NoHarm-draft | |
// @match https://x.com/* | |
// @match https://mobile.x.com/* | |
// @match https://twitter.com/* | |
// @match https://mobile.twitter.com/* | |
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=twitter.com | |
// @grant none | |
// @run-at document-idle | |
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/476062/TweetXer.user.js | |
// @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/476062/TweetXer.meta.js | |
// @supportURL https://github.com/lucahammer/tweetXer/issues | |
// ==/UserScript== | |
(function () { | |
let TweetsXer = { | |
version: '0.9.3', | |
TweetCount: 0, | |
dId: "exportUpload", | |
tIds: [], | |
tId: "", | |
ratelimitreset: 0, | |
more: '[data-testid="tweet"] [data-testid="caret"]', | |
skip: 0, | |
total: 0, | |
dCount: 0, | |
deleteURL: '/i/api/graphql/VaenaVgh5q5ih7kvyVjgtg/DeleteTweet', | |
unfavURL: '/i/api/graphql/ZYKSe-w7KEslx3JhSIk5LA/UnfavoriteTweet', | |
deleteMessageURL: '/i/api/graphql/BJ6DtxA2llfjnRoRjaiIiw/DMMessageDeleteMutation', | |
deleteConvoURL: '/i/api/1.1/dm/conversation/USER_ID-CONVERSATION_ID/delete.json', | |
deleteDMsOneByOne: false, | |
username: '', | |
action: '', | |
bookmarksURL: '/i/api/graphql/L7vvM2UluPgWOW4GDvWyvw/Bookmarks?', | |
bookmarks: [], | |
bookmarksNext: '', | |
baseUrl: 'https://x.com', | |
authorization: 'Bearer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA', | |
ct0: false, | |
transaction_id: '', | |
async init() { | |
this.baseUrl = `https://${window.location.hostname}` | |
this.updateTransactionId() | |
this.createUploadForm() | |
await this.getTweetCount() | |
this.ct0 = this.getCookie('ct0') | |
this.username = document.location.href.split('/')[3].replace('#', '') | |
}, | |
sleep(ms) { | |
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) | |
}, | |
getCookie(name) { | |
const match = `; ${document.cookie}`.match(`;\\s*${name}=([^;]+)`) | |
return match ? match[1] : null | |
}, | |
updateTransactionId() { | |
// random string | |
this.transaction_id = [...crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(95))] | |
.map((x, i) => (i = x / 255 * 61 | 0, String.fromCharCode(i + (i > 9 ? i > 35 ? 61 : 55 : 48)))).join`` | |
}, | |
updateTitle(text) { | |
document.getElementById('tweetsXer_title').textContent = text | |
}, | |
updateInfo(text) { | |
document.getElementById("info").textContent = text | |
}, | |
createProgressBar() { | |
const progressbar = document.createElement("progress") | |
progressbar.id = "progressbar" | |
progressbar.value = this.dCount | |
progressbar.max = this.total | |
progressbar.style = 'width:100%' | |
document.getElementById(this.dId).appendChild(progressbar) | |
}, | |
updateProgressBar() { | |
document.getElementById('progressbar').value = this.dCount | |
this.updateInfo(`${this.dCount} deleted. ${this.tId}`) | |
}, | |
processFile() { | |
const tn = document.getElementById(`${TweetsXer.dId}_file`) | |
if (tn.files && tn.files[0]) { | |
let fr = new FileReader() | |
fr.onloadend = function (evt) { | |
// window.YTD.tweet_headers.part0 | |
// window.YTD.tweets.part0 | |
// window.YTD.like.part0 | |
// window.YTD.direct_message_headers.part0 | |
let cutpoint = evt.target.result.indexOf('= ') | |
let filestart = evt.target.result.slice(0, cutpoint) | |
let json = JSON.parse(evt.target.result.slice(cutpoint + 1)) | |
if (filestart.includes('.tweet_headers.')) { | |
console.log('File contains Tweets.') | |
TweetsXer.action = 'untweet' | |
TweetsXer.tIds = json.map((x) => x.tweet.tweet_id) | |
} else if (filestart.includes('.tweets.') || filestart.includes('.tweet.')) { | |
console.log('File contains Tweets.') | |
TweetsXer.action = 'untweet' | |
TweetsXer.tIds = json.map((x) => x.tweet.id_str) | |
} else if (filestart.includes('.like.')) { | |
console.log('File contains Favs.') | |
TweetsXer.action = 'unfav' | |
TweetsXer.tIds = json.map((x) => x.like.tweetId) | |
} | |
else if ( | |
filestart.includes('.direct_message_headers.') | |
|| filestart.includes('.direct_message_group_headers.') | |
|| filestart.includes('.direct_messages.') | |
|| filestart.includes('.direct_message_groups.')) { | |
console.log('File contains Direct Messages.') | |
TweetsXer.action = 'undm' | |
if (this.deleteDMsOneByOne) { | |
TweetsXer.tIds = json.map((c) => c.dmConversation.messages.map((m) => m.messageCreate ? m.messageCreate.id : 0)) | |
TweetsXer.tIds = TweetsXer.tIds.flat() | |
TweetsXer.tIds = TweetsXer.tIds.filter((i) => i != 0) | |
} | |
else { | |
TweetsXer.tIds = json.map((c) => c.dmConversation.conversationId) | |
} | |
} else { | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo('File content not recognized. Please use a file from the Twitter data export.') | |
console.log('File content not recognized. Please use a file from the Twitter data export.') | |
} | |
if (TweetsXer.action.length > 0) { | |
TweetsXer.total = TweetsXer.tIds.length | |
document.getElementById(`${TweetsXer.dId}_file`).remove() | |
TweetsXer.createProgressBar() | |
} | |
if (TweetsXer.action == 'untweet') { | |
if (document.getElementById('skipCount').value.length < 1) { | |
// If there is no amount set to skip, automatically try to skip the amount | |
// that has been deleted already. Difference of Tweeets in file to count on profile | |
// 5% tolerance to prevent skipping too much | |
TweetsXer.skip = TweetsXer.total - TweetsXer.TweetCount - parseInt(TweetsXer.total / 20) | |
TweetsXer.skip = Math.max(0, TweetsXer.skip) | |
} | |
else { | |
TweetsXer.skip = document.getElementById('skipCount').value | |
} | |
console.log(`Skipping oldest ${TweetsXer.skip} Tweets. Use advanced options to manually set how many to skip. Enter 0 to prevent the automatic calculation.`) | |
TweetsXer.tIds.reverse() | |
TweetsXer.tIds = TweetsXer.tIds.slice(TweetsXer.skip) | |
TweetsXer.dCount = TweetsXer.skip | |
TweetsXer.tIds.reverse() | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle(`TweetXer: Deleting ${TweetsXer.total} Tweets`) | |
TweetsXer.deleteTweets() | |
} else if (TweetsXer.action == 'unfav') { | |
TweetsXer.skip = document.getElementById('skipCount').value.length > 0 ? document.getElementById('skipCount').value : 0 | |
console.log(`Skipping oldest ${TweetsXer.skip} Tweets`) | |
TweetsXer.tIds = TweetsXer.tIds.slice(TweetsXer.skip) | |
TweetsXer.dCount = TweetsXer.skip | |
TweetsXer.tIds.reverse() | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle(`TweetXer: Deleting ${TweetsXer.total} Favs`) | |
TweetsXer.deleteFavs() | |
} else if (TweetsXer.action == 'undm') { | |
TweetsXer.skip = document.getElementById('skipCount').value.length > 0 ? document.getElementById('skipCount').value : 0 | |
console.log(`Skipping ${TweetsXer.skip} messages/convos`) | |
TweetsXer.tIds = TweetsXer.tIds.slice(TweetsXer.skip) | |
TweetsXer.dCount = TweetsXer.skip | |
TweetsXer.tIds.reverse() | |
if (this.deleteDMsOneByOne) { | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle(`TweetXer: Deleting ${TweetsXer.total} DMs`) | |
TweetsXer.deleteDMs() | |
} | |
else { | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle(`TweetXer: Deleting ${TweetsXer.total} DM Conversations`) | |
TweetsXer.deleteConvos() | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle(`TweetXer: Please try a different file`) | |
} | |
} | |
fr.readAsText(tn.files[0]) | |
} | |
}, | |
createUploadForm() { | |
const h2Class = document.querySelectorAll("h2")[1]?.getAttribute("class") || "" | |
const div = document.createElement("div") | |
div.id = this.dId | |
if (document.getElementById(this.dId)) { document.getElementById(this.dId).remove() } | |
div.innerHTML = ` | |
<style>#${this.dId}{ z-index:99999; position: sticky; top:0px; left:0px; width:auto; margin:0 auto; padding: 20px 10%; background:#87CEFA; opacity:0.9; } #${this.dId} > *{padding:5px;}</style> | |
<div style="color:black"> | |
<h2 class="${h2Class}" id="tweetsXer_title">TweetXer</h2> | |
<p id="info">Please wait for your profile to load. If this message doesn't go away after some seconds, something isn't working.</p> | |
<p id="start"> | |
<input type="file" value="" id="${this.dId}_file" /> | |
<a style="color:blue" href="#" id="toggleAdvanced">Advanced Options</a> | |
<div id="advanced" style="display:none"> | |
<label for="skipCount">Enter how many Tweets to skip before selecting a file.</label> | |
<input id="skipCount" type="number" value="" /> | |
<p>Supported files: | |
<ul> | |
<li>tweet-headers.js to delete Tweets (10.000 - 20.000 per hour)</li> | |
<li>direct-message-header.js and direct-message-group-headers.js to delete DMs (around 800 per 15 minutes)</li> | |
<li>like.js to delete Favs (500 per 15 minutes; only works for the most recent few thousands)</li> | |
</ul> | |
<p><strong>Export bookmarks</strong><br> | |
Bookmarks are not included in the official data export. You can export them here. | |
<input id="exportBookmarks" type="button" value="Export Bookmarks" /> | |
</p> | |
<p><strong>No tweet-headers.js?</strong><br> | |
If you are unable to get your data export, you can use the following option.<br> | |
This option is much slower and less reliable. It can remove at most 4000 Tweets per hour.<br> | |
<input id="slowDelete" type="button" value="Slow delete without file" /> | |
</p> | |
<p><strong>Unfollow everyone</strong><br> | |
It's time to let go. This will unfollow everyone you follow.<br> | |
<input id="unfollowEveryone" type="button" value="Unfollow everyone" /> | |
</p> | |
<p><a id="removeTweetXer" style="color:blue" href="#">Remove TweetXer</a></p> | |
<p><small>${TweetsXer.version}</small></p> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
` | |
document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.firstChild) | |
document.getElementById("toggleAdvanced").addEventListener("click", (() => { | |
const adv = document.getElementById('advanced') | |
if (adv.style.display == 'none') { | |
adv.style.display = 'block' | |
} else { | |
adv.style.display = 'none' | |
} | |
})) | |
document.getElementById(`${this.dId}_file`).addEventListener("change", this.processFile, false) | |
document.getElementById("exportBookmarks").addEventListener("click", this.exportBookmarks, false) | |
document.getElementById("slowDelete").addEventListener("click", this.slowDelete, false) | |
document.getElementById("unfollowEveryone").addEventListener("click", this.unfollow, false) | |
document.getElementById("removeTweetXer").addEventListener("click", this.removeTweetXer, false) | |
}, | |
async exportBookmarks() { | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle('TweetXer: Exporting bookmarks') | |
let variables = '' | |
while (TweetsXer.bookmarksNext.length > 0 || TweetsXer.bookmarks.length == 0) { | |
if (TweetsXer.bookmarksNext.length > 0) { | |
variables = `{"count":20,"cursor":"${TweetsXer.bookmarksNext}","includePromotedContent":false}` | |
} else variables = '{"count":20,"includePromotedContent":false}' | |
let response = await fetch(TweetsXer.baseUrl + TweetsXer.bookmarksURL + new URLSearchParams({ | |
variables: variables, | |
features: '{"graphql_timeline_v2_bookmark_timeline":true,"rweb_tipjar_consumption_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_exclude_directive_enabled":true,"verified_phone_label_enabled":false,"creator_subscriptions_tweet_preview_api_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_timeline_navigation_enabled":true,"responsive_web_graphql_skip_user_profile_image_extensions_enabled":false,"communities_web_enable_tweet_community_results_fetch":true,"c9s_tweet_anatomy_moderator_badge_enabled":true,"articles_preview_enabled":true,"responsive_web_edit_tweet_api_enabled":true,"graphql_is_translatable_rweb_tweet_is_translatable_enabled":true,"view_counts_everywhere_api_enabled":true,"longform_notetweets_consumption_enabled":true,"responsive_web_twitter_article_tweet_consumption_enabled":true,"tweet_awards_web_tipping_enabled":false,"creator_subscriptions_quote_tweet_preview_enabled":false,"freedom_of_speech_not_reach_fetch_enabled":true,"standardized_nudges_misinfo":true,"tweet_with_visibility_results_prefer_gql_limited_actions_policy_enabled":true,"rweb_video_timestamps_enabled":true,"longform_notetweets_rich_text_read_enabled":true,"longform_notetweets_inline_media_enabled":true,"responsive_web_enhance_cards_enabled":false}' | |
}), { | |
"headers": { | |
"authorization": TweetsXer.authorization, | |
"content-type": "application/json", | |
"x-client-transaction-id": TweetsXer.transaction_id, | |
"x-csrf-token": TweetsXer.ct0, | |
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes", | |
"x-twitter-auth-type": "OAuth2Session", | |
}, | |
"referrer": `${TweetsXer.baseUrl}/i/bookmarks`, | |
"referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", | |
"method": "GET", | |
"mode": "cors", | |
"credentials": "include" | |
}) | |
if (response.status == 200) { | |
let data = await response.json() | |
data.data.bookmark_timeline_v2.timeline.instructions[0].entries.forEach((item) => { | |
if (item.entryId.includes('tweet')) { | |
TweetsXer.dCount++ | |
TweetsXer.bookmarks.push(item.content.itemContent.tweet_results.result) | |
} else if (item.entryId.includes('cursor-bottom')) { | |
if (TweetsXer.bookmarksNext != item.content.value) { | |
TweetsXer.bookmarksNext = item.content.value | |
} else { | |
TweetsXer.bookmarksNext = '' | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
//document.getElementById('progressbar').setAttribute('value', TweetsXer.dCount) | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo(`${TweetsXer.dCount} Bookmarks collected`) | |
} else { | |
console.log(response) | |
} | |
if (!response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining') && response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining') < 1) { | |
console.log('rate limit hit') | |
TweetsXer.ratelimitreset = response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-reset') | |
let sleeptime = TweetsXer.ratelimitreset - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) | |
while (sleeptime > 0) { | |
sleeptime = TweetsXer.ratelimitreset - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo(`Ratelimited. Waiting ${sleeptime} seconds. ${TweetsXer.dCount} deleted.`) | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
let download = new Blob([JSON.stringify(TweetsXer.bookmarks)], { | |
type: 'text/plain' | |
}) | |
let bookmarksDownload = document.createElement("a") | |
bookmarksDownload.id = 'bookmarksDownload' | |
bookmarksDownload.innerText = 'Download bookmarks' | |
bookmarksDownload.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(download) | |
bookmarksDownload.download = 'twitter-bookmarks.json' | |
document.getElementById('advanced').appendChild(bookmarksDownload) | |
TweetsXer.updateTitle('TweetXer') | |
}, | |
async sendRequest( | |
url, | |
body = `{\"variables\":{\"tweet_id\":\"${TweetsXer.tId}\",\"dark_request\":false},\"queryId\":\"${url.split('/')[6]}\"}` | |
) { | |
return new Promise(async (resolve) => { | |
try { | |
let response = await fetch(url, { | |
"headers": { | |
"authorization": TweetsXer.authorization, | |
"content-type": "application/json", | |
"x-client-transaction-id": TweetsXer.transaction_id, | |
"x-csrf-token": TweetsXer.ct0, | |
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes", | |
"x-twitter-auth-type": "OAuth2Session" | |
}, | |
"referrer": `${TweetsXer.baseUrl}/${TweetsXer.username}/with_replies`, | |
"referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin", | |
"body": body, | |
"method": "POST", | |
"mode": "cors", | |
"credentials": "include", | |
"signal": AbortSignal.timeout(5000) | |
}) | |
if (response.status == 200) { | |
TweetsXer.dCount++ | |
TweetsXer.updateProgressBar() | |
if (response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining') != null && response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining') < 1) { | |
console.log('rate limit hit') | |
console.log(response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining')) | |
TweetsXer.ratelimitreset = response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-reset') | |
let sleeptime = TweetsXer.ratelimitreset - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) | |
while (sleeptime > 0) { | |
sleeptime = TweetsXer.ratelimitreset - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo(`Ratelimited. Waiting ${sleeptime} seconds. ${TweetsXer.dCount} deleted.`) | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
resolve('deleted and waiting') | |
} | |
else { | |
resolve('deleted') | |
} | |
} | |
else if (response.status == 429) { | |
TweetsXer.tIds.push(TweetsXer.tId) | |
console.log('Received status code 429. Waiting for 1 second before trying again.') | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
else { | |
console.log(response) | |
} | |
} catch (error) { | |
if (error.Name === 'AbortError') { | |
TweetsXer.tIds.push(TweetsXer.tId) | |
console.log('Request timeout.') | |
let sleeptime = 15 | |
while (sleeptime > 0) { | |
sleeptime-- | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo(`Ratelimited. Waiting ${sleeptime} seconds. ${TweetsXer.dCount} deleted.`) | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
resolve('error') | |
} | |
} | |
}) | |
}, | |
async deleteTweets() { | |
while (this.tIds.length > 0) { | |
this.tId = this.tIds.pop() | |
await this.sendRequest(this.baseUrl + this.deleteURL) | |
} | |
this.tId = '' | |
this.updateProgressBar() | |
}, | |
async deleteFavs() { | |
this.updateTitle('TweetXer: Deleting Favs') | |
// 500 unfavs per 15 Minutes | |
// x-rate-limit-remaining | |
// x-rate-limit-reset | |
while (this.tIds.length > 0) { | |
this.tId = this.tIds.pop() | |
await this.sendRequest(this.baseUrl + this.unfavURL) | |
} | |
this.tId = '' | |
this.updateTitle('TweetXer') | |
this.updateProgressBar() | |
}, | |
async deleteDMs() { | |
while (this.tIds.length > 0) { | |
this.tId = this.tIds.pop() | |
await this.sendRequest( | |
this.baseUrl + this.deleteMessageURL, | |
body = `{\"variables\":{\"messageId\":\"${this.tId}\"},\"requestId\":\""}` | |
) | |
} | |
this.tId = '' | |
this.updateProgressBar() | |
}, | |
async deleteConvos() { | |
while (this.tIds.length > 0) { | |
this.tId = this.tIds.pop() | |
url = this.baseUrl + this.deleteConvoURL.replace('USER_ID-CONVERSATION_ID', this.tId) | |
let response = await fetch(url, { | |
"headers": { | |
"authorization": TweetsXer.authorization, | |
"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", | |
"x-client-transaction-id": TweetsXer.transaction_id, | |
"x-csrf-token": TweetsXer.ct0, | |
"x-twitter-active-user": "yes", | |
"x-twitter-auth-type": "OAuth2Session" | |
}, | |
"referrer": `${TweetsXer.baseUrl}/messages`, | |
"body": 'dm_secret_conversations_enabled=false&krs_registration_enabled=true&cards_platform=Web-12&include_cards=1&include_ext_alt_text=true&include_ext_limited_action_results=true&include_quote_count=true&include_reply_count=1&tweet_mode=extended&include_ext_views=true&dm_users=false&include_groups=true&include_inbox_timelines=true&include_ext_media_color=true&supports_reactions=true&supports_edit=true&include_conversation_info=true', | |
"method": "POST", | |
"mode": "cors", | |
"credentials": "include", | |
"signal": AbortSignal.timeout(5000) | |
}) | |
if (response.status == 204) { | |
TweetsXer.dCount++ | |
TweetsXer.updateProgressBar() | |
if (response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining') != null && response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining') < 1) { | |
console.log('rate limit hit') | |
console.log(response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-remaining')) | |
TweetsXer.ratelimitreset = response.headers.get('x-rate-limit-reset') | |
let sleeptime = TweetsXer.ratelimitreset - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) | |
while (sleeptime > 0) { | |
sleeptime = TweetsXer.ratelimitreset - Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo(`Ratelimited. Waiting ${sleeptime} seconds. ${TweetsXer.dCount} deleted.`) | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
} | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200)) // send requests slightly slower and with random intervals | |
} | |
else if (response.status == 429 || response.status == 420) { | |
TweetsXer.tIds.push(TweetsXer.tId) | |
console.log(`Received status code ${response.status}. Waiting before trying again.`) | |
let sleeptime = 60 * 5 // is that enough? | |
while (sleeptime > 0) { | |
sleeptime-- | |
TweetsXer.updateInfo(`Ratelimited. Waiting ${sleeptime} seconds. ${TweetsXer.dCount} deleted.`) | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
console.log(response) | |
} | |
} | |
this.tId = '' | |
this.updateProgressBar() | |
}, | |
async getTweetCount() { | |
await waitForElemToExist('header') | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
if (!document.querySelector('[data-testid="UserName"]')) { | |
if (document.querySelector('[aria-label="Back"]')) { | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(200) | |
document.querySelector('[aria-label="Back"]').click() | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
else if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="app-bar-back"]')) { | |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="app-bar-back"]').click() | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
} | |
if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="AppTabBar_Profile_Link"]')) { | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(200) | |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="AppTabBar_Profile_Link"]').click() | |
} | |
else if (document.querySelector('[data-testid="DashButton_ProfileIcon_Link"]')) { | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(100) | |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="DashButton_ProfileIcon_Link"]').click() | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="icon"').nextElementSibling.click() | |
} | |
await waitForElemToExist('[data-testid="UserName"]') | |
} | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1000) | |
function extractTweetCount(selector) { | |
const element = document.querySelector(selector) | |
if (!element) return null | |
const match = element.textContent.match(/((\d|,|\.|K)+) (\w+)$/) | |
if (!match) return null | |
return match[1] | |
.replace(/\.(\d+)K/, '$1'.padEnd(4, '0')) | |
.replace('K', '000') | |
.replace(',', '') | |
.replace('.', '') | |
} | |
try { | |
TweetsXer.TweetCount = extractTweetCount('[data-testid="primaryColumn"]>div>div>div') | |
if (!TweetsXer.TweetCount) { | |
TweetsXer.TweetCount = extractTweetCount('[data-testid="TopNavBar"]>div>div') | |
} | |
if (!TweetsXer.TweetCount) { | |
console.log("Wasn't able to find Tweet count on profile. Setting it to 1 million.") | |
TweetsXer.TweetCount = 1000000 | |
} | |
} catch (error) { | |
console.log("Wasn't able to find Tweet count on profile. Setting it to 1 million.") | |
TweetsXer.TweetCount = 1000000 // prevents Tweets from being skipped because if tweet count of 0 | |
} | |
this.updateInfo('Select your tweet-headers.js from your Twitter Data Export to start the deletion of all your Tweets.') | |
console.log(TweetsXer.TweetCount + " Tweets on profile.") | |
console.log("You can close the console now to reduce the memory usage.") | |
console.log("Reopen the console if there are issues to see if an error shows up.") | |
}, | |
async slowDelete() { | |
//document.getElementById("toggleAdvanced").click() | |
document.getElementById('start').remove() | |
TweetsXer.total = TweetsXer.TweetCount | |
TweetsXer.createProgressBar() | |
document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="ScrollSnap-List"] a')[1].click() | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(2000) | |
let unretweet, confirmURT, caret, menu, confirmation | |
const more = '[data-testid="tweet"] [data-testid="caret"]' | |
while (document.querySelectorAll(more).length > 0) { | |
// give the Tweets a chance to load; increase/decrease if necessary | |
// afaik the limit is 50 requests per minute | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1200) | |
// hide recommended profiles and stuff | |
document.querySelectorAll('section [data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]>div>div>div').forEach(x => x.remove()) | |
document.querySelectorAll('section [data-testid="cellInnerDiv"]>div>div>[role="link"]').forEach(x => x.remove()) | |
document.querySelector(more).scrollIntoView({ | |
'behavior': 'smooth' | |
}) | |
// if it is a Retweet, unretweet it | |
unretweet = document.querySelector('[data-testid="unretweet"]') | |
if (unretweet) { | |
unretweet.click() | |
confirmURT = await waitForElemToExist('[data-testid="unretweetConfirm"]') | |
confirmURT.click() | |
} | |
// delete Tweet | |
else { | |
caret = await waitForElemToExist(more) | |
caret.click() | |
menu = await waitForElemToExist('[role="menuitem"]') | |
if (menu.textContent.includes('@')) { | |
// don't unfollow people (because their Tweet is the reply tab) | |
caret.click() | |
document.querySelector('[data-testid="tweet"]').remove() | |
} else { | |
menu.click() | |
confirmation = await waitForElemToExist('[data-testid="confirmationSheetConfirm"]') | |
if (confirmation) confirmation.click() | |
} | |
} | |
TweetsXer.dCount++ | |
TweetsXer.updateProgressBar() | |
// print to the console how many Tweets already got deleted | |
// Change the 100 to how often you want an update. | |
// 10 for every 10th Tweet, 1 for every Tweet, 100 for every 100th Tweet | |
if (TweetsXer.dCount % 100 == 0) console.log(`${new Date().toUTCString()} Deleted ${TweetsXer.dCount} Tweets`) | |
} | |
console.log('No Tweets left. Please reload to confirm.') | |
}, | |
async unfollow() { | |
//document.getElementById("toggleAdvanced").click() | |
let unfollowCount = 0 | |
let next_unfollow, menu | |
document.querySelector('[href$="/following"]').click() | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(1200) | |
const accounts = '[data-testid="UserCell"]' | |
while (document.querySelectorAll('[data-testid="UserCell"] [data-testid$="-unfollow"]').length > 0) { | |
next_unfollow = document.querySelectorAll(accounts)[0] | |
next_unfollow.scrollIntoView({ | |
'behavior': 'smooth' | |
}) | |
next_unfollow.querySelector('[data-testid$="-unfollow"]').click() | |
menu = await waitForElemToExist('[data-testid="confirmationSheetConfirm"]') | |
menu.click() | |
next_unfollow.remove() | |
unfollowCount++ | |
if (unfollowCount % 10 == 0) console.log(`${new Date().toUTCString()} Unfollowed ${unfollowCount} accounts`) | |
await TweetsXer.sleep(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200)) | |
} | |
console.log('No accounts left. Please reload to confirm.') | |
}, | |
removeTweetXer() { | |
document.getElementById('exportUpload').remove() | |
} | |
} | |
const waitForElemToExist = async (selector) => { | |
const elem = document.querySelector(selector) | |
if (elem) return elem | |
return new Promise(resolve => { | |
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { | |
const elem = document.querySelector(selector) | |
if (elem) { | |
resolve(elem) | |
observer.disconnect() | |
} | |
}) | |
observer.observe(document.body, { | |
subtree: true, | |
childList: true, | |
}) | |
}) | |
} | |
TweetsXer.init() | |
})() |
this is excellent! I'm getting off of twitter, and I was wondering how I can get this script to work with 'slow delete' for replies and likes.
Doesn't seem to be working using the latest export while logged in. The progress bar just sits not progressing, not updating any information text.
Doesn't seem to be working using the latest export while logged in. The progress bar just sits not progressing, not updating any information text.
Have you tried the Tampermonkey route? I had the same issue with a stuck progress bar via the manual way, but the extension/script worked.
Hi, this has worked great for me on one of my accounts! Would it be possible to change the code to skip newest tweets instead of oldest? (I don't know anything about coding, I got here through the reddit post with the video and don't wanna try and mess with things I don't understand)
This script is great! However, heads up, it doesn't work from twitter.com due to CORS errors. You must run it while on x.com, then it works great!
I'd been hitting a 15k limit for this script but today it's flying through! So far today it's deleted 22k tweets and still going. Thanks for your work.
Edit: Now at 44k and counting!
Cheers, you did a great job.
Even if it stoped for me after maybe 15000 tweets, the advanced options are really smooth.
Thanks a lot