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Created December 17, 2013 16:18
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module Simpson where
data Value = Value
{ minRange :: Double
, maxRange :: Double
, dof :: Int
, expectedValue :: Double
} deriving (Eq)
type Error = Double
type NumSegm = Double
simpsonRec :: Value -> NumSegm -> Error -> Double
simpsonRec val numSegm errorVal = if isValid val1 val2 then val1 else simpsonRec val (numSegm * 2) errorVal
where val1 = simpson val numSegm
val2 = simpson val numSegm * 2
isValid val1 val2 = (abs val1 val2) < errorVal
simpson :: Value -> NumSegm -> Double -> Double
simpson val numSegm errorVal = sum $ map (calculateTDistribution val w numSegm) list
list = [0..numSegm]
w = (maxRange val) / numSegm
calculateTDistribution :: Value -> Double -> NumSegm -> Integer -> Double
calculateTDistribution values w numSegm x = (tDistribution((xi x) values) * multiplier(x numSegm)) * (w / 3)
where xi x = w * x
multiplier i numSegm
| i == 0 || i == numSegm = 1
| mod(i 2) == 0 = 2
| otherwise = 4
tDistribution xi values = gamma(dof + 1, 2) / exp(dof * pi, 0.5) * gamma(dof, 2)
* exp(1 + (square(xi) / dof), ((dof + 1) / 2) * (-1))
square = exp 2
data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
gamma :: Integer -> Integer -> Double
gamma num den = if (mod num den) == 0
then factorial (floor(num / den)) - 1
else gammaFrazione subtract((Fraction num den) 1)
factorial n = if n == 1 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1)
oneHalf = Fraction 1 2
gammaFrazione :: Fraction -> Double
gammaFrazione f = if f == oneHalf
then doubleValue oneHalf * sqrt(pi)
else doubleValue f * gammaFrazione $ subtractFrac f 1
doubleValue (Fraction num den) = num / den
subtractFrac (Fraction num den) val = Fraction (num + (den * val)) den
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