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Last active April 2, 2020 01:30
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module Form.Example exposing (..)
import Form.Key
type alias ValidationMessage =
type alias EntityId =
type Validation
= OneOf (Maybe ValidationMessage) (List Validation)
| AllOf (Maybe ValidationMessage) (List Validation)
-- ^^^^^
-- This is a Maybe to decide if we want to use one message for the entire
-- group of instead we want to display all single messages for each
-- validation.
| Dependant Form.Key.Key Validation
| Required
| Equal -- Pass if the value is uqual to the value, used for Dependant
| MinLength Int
| MaxLength Int
| Regex String
type FieldType
= BlahBlah
type alias TextConf =
{ title : String
, helperText : Maybe String
, validationSpecs : Maybe ValidationSpecs
type alias FieldConf =
{ id : String
, idDom : Maybe String
, type_ : FieldType
, label : String
, helperText : Maybe String
, validationSpecs : Maybe ValidationSpecs
type Entity
= EntityNormal EntityId (List Entity)
| EntityWrappable EntityId (List Entity)
| EntityWithBorder EntityId (List Entity)
| EntityWithTabs EntityId (List Entity)
| EntityMulti EntityId (List Entity)
| EntityField FieldConf
| EntityTitle TextConf
| EntitySubTitle TextConf
type alias ValidationSpecs =
{ showAlsoPassedValidations : Bool
, hideCheckmark : Bool
, validation : Validation
-- Example
fieldPassword : FieldConf
fieldPassword =
{ id = "fieldPassword"
, idDom = Nothing
, type_ = BlahBlah
, label = "Password"
, helperText = Nothing
, validationSpecs =
{ showAlsoPassedValidations = False
, hideCheckmark = False
, validation =
[ MinLength 8
, MaxLength 128
, Required
, OneOf (Just "INVALID_FORMAT_INVALID_CHARACTERS") [ Regex "^[!-~]*$" ]
, OneOf (Just "INVALID_FORMAT_NO_UPPERCASE") [ Regex "[A-Z]" ]
, OneOf (Just "INVALID_FORMAT_NO_NUMBER") [ Regex "[0-9]" ]
, OneOf (Just "INVALID_FORMAT_NO_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS") [ Regex "[~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{\\[\\]|\\><?:\\\";',./=-]" ]
fieldRetypePassword : FieldConf
fieldRetypePassword =
{ id = "fieldRetypePassword"
, idDom = Nothing
, type_ = BlahBlah
, label = "Re-type the Password"
, helperText = Nothing
, validationSpecs =
{ showAlsoPassedValidations = False
, hideCheckmark = False
, validation =
[ Dependant (Form.Key.fromString "password") Equal ]
fieldContractPolicy : FieldConf
fieldContractPolicy =
{ id = "fieldContractPolicy"
, idDom = Nothing
, type_ = BlahBlah
, label = "Contract Policy"
, helperText = Nothing
, validationSpecs = Nothing
fieldPrivacyPolicy : FieldConf
fieldPrivacyPolicy =
{ id = "fieldPrivacyPolicy"
, idDom = Nothing
, type_ = BlahBlah
, label = "Privacy Policy"
, helperText = Nothing
, validationSpecs = Nothing
titleAgreementURLs : TextConf
titleAgreementURLs =
{ title = "Agreement URLs"
, helperText = Nothing
, validationSpecs =
{ showAlsoPassedValidations = False
, hideCheckmark = True
, validation =
[ Dependant (Form.Key.fromString "fieldContractPolicy") Required
, Dependant (Form.Key.fromString "fieldPrivacyPolicy") Required
form : List Entity
form =
[ EntityTitle { title = "Password", helperText = Nothing, validationSpecs = Nothing }
, EntityWrappable ""
[ EntityField fieldPassword
, EntityField fieldRetypePassword
, EntityTitle titleAgreementURLs
, EntityField fieldContractPolicy
, EntityField fieldPrivacyPolicy
-- * Understand how this can be implemented for "EntityMulti"
-- * I put the message as a Maybe. If "Nothing", single messages for each validation are used. I also removed message for Regex. Not sure if this is the way to go
-- * The "outer" connection is a weak point because it can go out of sync
-- * Maybe validation should move under "EntityNormal" for rxample, so that all fields inside can be referenced directly...
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