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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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ASM: Kopirovanie z arrayu do arrayu, zaporne cisla nahradene nulou
%include '' ; nacteni knihovny
[segment .data use32] ; definice zacatku datoveho segmentu
; testovaci retezec
sArray1 dd 9000001,50000,-20432,98765
length dd 4
sArray2 times 100 dd 0
[segment .code use32] ; definice zacatku kodoveho segementu
prologue ; makro -- inicializace programu
mov esi, sArray1
mov ecx, 0
begin_loop: ; for(ecx = 0; ecx != length; ecx++)
cmp ecx, [length]
je end_loop ; ukoncovacia podmienka
mov eax, [esi+4*ecx] ; 4*ecx kvoli 32 bitovej hodnote
cmp eax, 0
jl if_negative ; jump less
jmp end_negative ; pokial sa dostal potialto program, znamena ze cislo je kladne
; preskakuje nulovanie eax
mov eax, 0 ; prepisanie zapornej hodnoty nulou
mov dword [sArray2+4*ecx], eax
call WriteUInt32
call WriteNewLine
inc ecx
jmp begin_loop
epilogue ; makro -- ukonceni programu
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