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Last active April 17, 2021 20:58
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Find Anagram C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AnagramFinder
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var rand = new Random();
var data = new string[] { "petter", "cat", "tab", "in", "state", "taste", "act", "at", "bat", "the", "tub", "dog", "storage", "node", "C#", "not", "is", "park", "spider", "man", "dare", "dear", "for", "young", "light", "basiparachromatin", "marsipobranchiata", "conversationalists", "conservationalists", "hydroxydeoxycorticosterones", "hydroxydesoxycorticosterone", "basiparachromatin", "marsipobranchiata" };
var testList = new List<string> {
"cat in the bat",
"petter park is the spider man",
"dog, cat tab act",
"petter taste for car tub is not for young state",
"act in the tub",
"cat is not bat",
"C# is not node storage",
"bat in the storage is not cat",
"cat is bat in the dog",
"dear petter is the man" };
for (int ii = 0; ii < 1_000_000; ii++)
testList.Add("marsipobranchiata basiparachromatin hydroxydeoxycorticosterones conversationalists");
testList.Add("in the state at conservationalists the dog spider taste in the park");
var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
int totalAnagrams = 0;
int totalNotAnagrams = 0;
int end = data.Length;
int halfEnd = 1 + (data.Length >> 1);
var anagrams = new string[data.Length];
var notAnagrams = new string[data.Length];
var skipItems = new bool[data.Length];
bool notFound;
int i = 0, j = 0;
//find anagrams
for (; i < end; i++)
if (!skipItems[i])
notFound = true;
for (j = i + 1; j < end; j++)
if (!skipItems[j] && data[i].IsAnagram(data[j]))
anagrams[totalAnagrams++] = data[i];
skipItems[j] = true;
notFound = false;
j = data.Length;
if (notFound)
notAnagrams[totalNotAnagrams++] = data[i];
var anagramCount = new int[testList.Count, 2];
var possibleCombinations = new int[testList.Count];
string test;
//track options
for (i = 0; i < testList.Count; i++)
anagramCount[i, 0] = 0;
anagramCount[i, 1] = 0;
end = testList[i].Length;
//find words
j = 0;
while (j < end)
if (testList[i].IndexStartWithNonAnagram(ref j, notAnagrams, totalNotAnagrams))
anagramCount[i, 1]++;
anagramCount[i, 0]++;
//Move cursor to the next word
j = testList[i].IndexOf(' ', j);
if(j == -1) { j = end; }
//skip the space
possibleCombinations[i] = 1 << anagramCount[i, 0];
Console.WriteLine("Created By: Lucas Zimerman");
Console.WriteLine("Input WORDS");
foreach (var text in data)
Console.Write($"{text}, ");
Console.WriteLine("Input Texts");
foreach (var text in testList)
Console.WriteLine($"Word: {text}");
/ 12 \
| | | Elapsed time
|9 | 3| {stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms {stopWatch.ElapsedTicks} ticks
| \ |
Console.WriteLine($"Total Anagrams: {totalAnagrams}");
Console.WriteLine($"Total not Anagrams: {totalNotAnagrams}\n");
Console.WriteLine("Possible Combinations:");
i = 0;
foreach (var text in testList)
Console.WriteLine($"Word: ({text}) Combinations: {possibleCombinations[i]} Total: {anagramCount[i, 0]} Anagrams {anagramCount[i, 1]} Others");
Console.WriteLine("\n\nPress any key to exit");
public static bool IsAnagram(this string source, string target)
if (source.Length != target.Length) return false;
int sum = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < source.Length; index++)
sum += source[index] - target[index];
return sum == 0;
public static bool IndexStartWithNonAnagram(this string source, ref int index, string[] nonAnagrams, int nonAnagramsCount)
//END for true:
// reached the space with a matching non anagram
//FALSE otherwise
int currentIndex = index;
int LastCheckedEndIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nonAnagramsCount; i++)
//check if the word on the given index matches the nonAnagram i1000
for (int j = 0;
j < nonAnagrams[i].Length && currentIndex < source.Length && nonAnagrams[i][j] == source[currentIndex];
j++, currentIndex++) ;
//If we reached the end of the word, we found a non anagram word
if (currentIndex == source.Length || source[currentIndex] == ' ')
index = currentIndex;
return true;
else if (nonAnagrams[i].Length > LastCheckedEndIndex)
LastCheckedEndIndex = nonAnagrams[i].Length;
currentIndex = index;
index = currentIndex;
return false;
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