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Created October 30, 2013 11:27
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Port : 54120
Label : INFO
13 Source Cards Detected
Run xdaq with options -l INFO -h -p 54120 -c /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCardController/xml/SourceCardXDAQConfig.vmepc-e1x07-19-01.xml
Run xdaq with options: -l INFO -h -p 54120 -c /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCardController/xml/SourceCardXDAQConfig.vmepc-e1x07-19-01.xml
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is /opt/xdaq/lib:/opt/libusb-0.1.12/.libs:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCardFirmware/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/SourceCardInterface/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/SourceCardRouting/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB-HAL/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/CoreUtils/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/:/opt/xdaq/lib/:./
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.197 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - xdaq version: 03.35.00, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:16:59, 64bit
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.198 [140688804362080] WARN gctts. <> - Failed to load profile '/etc/default.profile', trying next
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.199 [140688804362080] WARN gctts. <> - Failed to load profile '${HOME}/etc/default.profile', trying next
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.199 [140688804362080] WARN gctts. <> - Failed to load profile '${XDAQ_ROOT}/share/${XDAQ_ZONE}/profile/default.vmepc-e1x07-19-01.cms904.profile', trying next
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.199 [140688804362080] WARN gctts. <> - Failed to load profile '${XDAQ_ROOT}/share/${XDAQ_ZONE}/profile/default.profile', trying next
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.200 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - Loaded profile: ${XDAQ_ROOT}/etc/default.profile
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.200 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - b2innub version: 02.01.00, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:18:29
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.201 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - executive version: 03.15.04, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:18:12
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.201 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - pthttp version: 03.15.00, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:17:36
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.202 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - ptfifo version: 04.01.01, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:17:58
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.202 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - xrelay version: 03.09.00, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:18:25
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.203 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - hyperdaq version: 04.01.02, compiled on Oct 18 2012 at 19:18:24
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.204 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - Log URL not set (was already console)
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.204 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - Log URL not set (was already console)
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.205 [140688804362080] INFO <> - No security policies on this server
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.205 [140688804362080] INFO <> - No security policies on this server
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.210 [140688804362080] WARN gctts. <> - Could not perform version checking on module file:/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCardController/lib/linux/x86_64_slc6/, version declaration missing.
launching supervisor
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.347 [140688804362080] ERROR gctts. <> - Caught exception: xdaq::exception::ConfigurationError 'Failed to instantiate application class 'SourceCardSupervisor', local identifier '50'' raised at instantiateApplications(/usr/local/src/xdaq/baseline11/daq/executive/src/common/;
originated by xdaq::exception::ApplicationInstantiationFailed 'Failed to instantiate object for class SourceCardSupervisor in context' raised at instantiateApplication(/usr/local/src/xdaq/baseline11/daq/xdaq/src/common/;
originated by xdaq::exception::Exception '
<br/> ======================================================================================================================================================
<br/> Exception of type:
<br/> ICCoreUtils::HardwareAccessException
<br/> Raised with History:
<br/> 0 : RAISE called in
<br/> Function : void ICUSBHAL::LibUsbDevice::Locate()
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/src/common/
<br/> Line : 369
<br/> 1 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : void ICUSBHAL::LibUsbDevice::Init()
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/src/common/
<br/> Line : 134
<br/> 2 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : ICUSBHAL::LibUsbDevice::LibUsbDevice(ICCoreUtils::u16, ICCoreUtils::u16, ICCoreUtils::u16, ICCoreUtils::u16, int)
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/src/common/
<br/> Line : 57
<br/> 3 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : void GCT_SC::SourceCardInterface::Initialise(FWManager::FirmwareManager&, ICCoreUtils::u16, GCT_SC::SourceCardInterface::SC_UPDATE_MODE, bool)
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/SourceCardInterface/src/common/
<br/> Line : 153
<br/> 4 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : GCT_SC::SourceCardManager::SourceCardManager(GCT_SC::SourceCardInterface::SC_UPDATE_MODE, const std::string&, int)
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/SourceCardInterface/src/common/
<br/> Line : 179
<br/> With message:
<br/> Unable to find any devices with IDs: "0x0bd7.0000.0000". Are any plugged in, powered and correctly enumerated?
<br/> Hardware Identifier not set
<br/> ======================================================================================================================================================
<br/> ' raised at SourceCardSupervisor(/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCardController/src/common/
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.347 [140688804362080] ERROR gctts. <> - Caught exception: xdaq::exception::ConfigurationError 'Failed to instantiate application class 'SourceCardSupervisor', local identifier '50'' raised at instantiateApplications(/usr/local/src/xdaq/baseline11/daq/executive/src/common/;
originated by xdaq::exception::ApplicationInstantiationFailed 'Failed to instantiate object for class SourceCardSupervisor in context' raised at instantiateApplication(/usr/local/src/xdaq/baseline11/daq/xdaq/src/common/;
originated by xdaq::exception::Exception '
<br/> ======================================================================================================================================================
<br/> Exception of type:
<br/> ICCoreUtils::HardwareAccessException
<br/> Raised with History:
<br/> 0 : RAISE called in
<br/> Function : void ICUSBHAL::LibUsbDevice::Locate()
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/src/common/
<br/> Line : 369
<br/> 1 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : void ICUSBHAL::LibUsbDevice::Init()
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/src/common/
<br/> Line : 134
<br/> 2 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : ICUSBHAL::LibUsbDevice::LibUsbDevice(ICCoreUtils::u16, ICCoreUtils::u16, ICCoreUtils::u16, ICCoreUtils::u16, int)
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/USB/src/common/
<br/> Line : 57
<br/> 3 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : void GCT_SC::SourceCardInterface::Initialise(FWManager::FirmwareManager&, ICCoreUtils::u16, GCT_SC::SourceCardInterface::SC_UPDATE_MODE, bool)
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/SourceCardInterface/src/common/
<br/> Line : 153
<br/> 4 : RETHROW called in
<br/> Function : GCT_SC::SourceCardManager::SourceCardManager(GCT_SC::SourceCardInterface::SC_UPDATE_MODE, const std::string&, int)
<br/> File : /nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCard/SourceCardInterface/src/common/
<br/> Line : 179
<br/> With message:
<br/> Unable to find any devices with IDs: "0x0bd7.0000.0000". Are any plugged in, powered and correctly enumerated?
<br/> Hardware Identifier not set
<br/> ======================================================================================================================================================
<br/> ' raised at SourceCardSupervisor(/nfshome0/clucas/TriDAS/trigger/gct/SourceCardController/src/common/
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.347 [140688804362080] ERROR gctts. <> - Failed to configure executive
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.347 [140688804362080] ERROR gctts. <> - Failed to configure executive
30 Oct 2013 11:17:26.348 [140688804362080] INFO gctts. <> - Ready.
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