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Created September 21, 2022 17:28
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validation-based test suites
-- using to bundle multiple "asserts" in a same "check"
module Main where
import Control.Lens
import Prelude
import Data.Validation
type Message = String
-- primitive assertions
data Assertion
= Equals Message
| Differs Message
| SmallerThan Message
| Other Message
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- an assert logs multiple assertions as errors
type Assert a = Validation [Assertion] a
-- lowest-level building block to bundle some check (THE Assert smart constructor)
predicate :: Bool -> a -> Assertion -> Assert a
predicate p a x
| p = _Success # a
| otherwise = _Failure # [x]
-- some helpers
equalsTo :: (Show v, Eq v) => v -> v -> Assert v
equalsTo x y =
predicate (x == y) x (Equals msg)
msg = mconcat [show x, " equals to ", show y]
differsFrom :: (Show v, Eq v) => v -> v -> Assert v
differsFrom x y =
predicate (x /= y) x (Differs msg)
msg = mconcat [show x, " differs from ", show y]
smallerThan :: (Show v, Ord v) => v -> v -> Assert v
smallerThan x y =
predicate (x < y) x (SmallerThan msg)
msg = mconcat [show x, " is smaller than ", show y]
-- a test-suite runner checking "assertions"
check :: (Show a) => String -> Validation [Assertion] a -> IO ()
check name v = do
print name
print $ v
-- example where a check output verifies three ints
data Output0 = Output0 Int Int Int
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
test0 :: IO ()
test0 = do
x <- pure 123
y <- pure 234
check "test0" $
Output0 <$> x `differsFrom` 42
<*> x `smallerThan` 1000
<*> y `equalsTo` 234
-- example where a check output verifies two ints and a string
data Output1 = Output1 Int Int String
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
test1 :: IO ()
test1 = do
x <- pure 123
y <- pure 234
check "test1.1"
$ Output1 <$> (x `differsFrom` 123)
<*> (y `smallerThan` 234)
<*> predicate False "false" (Other "always failing")
check "test1.2"
$ Output1 <$> (x `differsFrom` 1)
<*> (y `smallerThan` 3)
<*> predicate True "true" (Other "always succeeding")
main :: IO ()
main = do
test0 -- one "check" with three "assertions"
test1 -- two "checks" with one "assertion"
Test suite demo-test: RUNNING...
Success (Output0 123 123 234)
Failure [Differs "123 differs from 123",SmallerThan "234 is smaller than 234",Other "always failing"]
Failure [SmallerThan "234 is smaller than 3"]
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