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Last active June 2, 2024 20:55
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Godot LSP with Neovim inside WSL

Godot workflow with Neovim and WSL


Since writing this guide, me and a few other users have found that using the Godot LSP directly from Neovim wasn't working as well as it could be. This is mostly due to the Godot LSP running on Windows expecting Windows paths in the LSP messages (such as C:\Users\user\MyGame\, but our LSP client sends (and also expects to receive) paths on a Linux format (e.g. /mnt/c/Users/user/MyGame/

This caused several functionalities from the LSP to not work, and some errors to appear in the editor that weren't actual issues. To fix this, I published a very small LSP server, godot-wsl-lsp, that serves to bridge this gap and provide a better DX. It is highly recommended to use it instead of the setup described here, although it is still important to follow some of the steps. Please check the README on the LSP repository for more information.

There already are a few good blogposts regarding integrating Neovim and Godot, including how to setup its LSP server with Neovim builtin client. But none of these blogposts goes into detail into how integrate them if you are running Neovim inside Windows Subsystem for Linux, which some people would prefer, myself included.

I just wanted to provide some additional guidance on these already good posts, and how to integrate them with Windows.

The posts that were most relevant to accomplish this final results were:

The first guide will only teach how to setup Neovim in WSL to work as an external editor to Godot. Although it uses a obsolete program called nvr, which features have already been integrated in Neovim itself, check the remote docs. You can use the nvim.cmd batch program below, which has been updated to use the builtin flags on nvim. On Godot, you need to set the Exec flags as {file} {line} {col}.

The second post will explain how to integrate Godot LSP with Neovim, but they assume you are running both on the same environment (either Neovim running on Windows, or both running on Linux, for example).

The third one one explains how to access Window's localhost network from within WSL.

And the last one will explain how to bypass Windows firewall for connections coming from WSL.

The major issue is that localhost inside WSL is a separate network from Windows localhost, and we need to create a firewall rule to enable Neovim inside WSL to communicate with Godot LSP (which runs on Windows).


This should only be necessary if you are not using WSL 2, in which you can set mirrored networking and would be able to access Windows' localhost without any of these firewall rules.

You can run this command (found in the superuser post's answer) in Windows to create this firewall rule:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Godot LSP" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 6005 -Action Allow 

I removed the -InterfaceAlias to allow any network interface to communicate with Godot LSP. You can also create another rule to access Godot's DAP as well

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Godot DAP" -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 6006 -Action Allow

These ports are configurable inside Godot, if you want to assign them to a different value. Look into Editor > Editor Settings > Network > Language/Debug Adapter. You will also need to set the "Remote Host" in the Language Server to

Then, you should restart your computer for the firewall rules to take an effect, and then add the gdscript.lua inside this Gist inside your ~/.local/nvim/after/ftplugin/gdscript.lua file (inside WSL).

Now, you should have the server start everytime you open a GDScript file inside your Neovim instance in WSL, while Godot is running on Windows. Remember to always run neovim with the following command nvim --listen /tmp/godot.pipe.

-- after/ftplugin/gdscript.lua
local uv = require("luv")
local hostname = vim.fn.hostname() .. '.local'
local ip_address = uv.getaddrinfo(hostname)[1]['addr']
local port = os.getenv('GDScript_Port') or '6005'
local cmd = vim.lsp.rpc.connect(ip_address, port)
local pipe = '/tmp/godot.pipe'
name = 'Godot',
cmd = cmd,
filetypes = {'gdscript'},
root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find({'project.godot', '.git'}, {
upward = true,
path = vim.fs.dirname(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0))
on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
vim.api.nvim_command('echo serverstart("' .. pipe .. '")')
@echo off
wsl wslpath "%1" > tmpfile
set /p filepath= < tmpfile
del tmpfile
wsl nvim --server "/tmp/godot.pipe" --remote-send "<esc>:n %filepath%<CR>:call cursor(%2,%3)<CR>"
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@KK01101011 did you install godot-wsl-lsp on Windows or Linux? from your stacktrace it suggests that you installed it globally on Windows, and that won't work "/mnt/c/Users/orsimsek/AppData/Roaming/npm/godot-wsl-lsp"

This guide is for users who want to run Neovim inside of Windows Subsystem for Linux. If you are running Neovim on Windows you don't need this guide, and can use the Godot LSP directly.

I did both. I also use WSL. It didn't work for me no matter what I did. Now I am using Helix through WSL with Godot and I have no problems.

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[ERROR][2024-05-05 01:09:42] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770 "rpc" "/usr/bin/godot-wsl-lsp" "stderr" "node:internal/dns/promises:293\n this.reject(new DNSException(err, this.bindingName, this.hostname));\n ^\n\nError: queryAny ENOTIMP localhost\n at QueryReqWrap.onresolve [as oncomplete] (node:internal/dns/promises:293:17) {\n errno: undefined,\n code: 'ENOTIMP',\n syscall: 'queryAny',\n hostname: 'localhost'\n}\n\nNode.js v22.1.0\n"
This was also a log which shows the WSL path btw. I think there is a DNS problem that is beyond my knowledge

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brunobmello25 commented May 23, 2024

Hey everyone! I was having some trouble setting this up in WSL2 with windows 10. For some reason the DNS resolution would just hang forever. As a quick workaround I was manually specifying the host ip address, and using my host ipv4. I opened a PR at godot-wsl-lsp repository to add an optional flag for this. Here is the PR.

Now, assuming you have godot-wsl-lsp in your PATH, configure your lsp like this:

    cmd = { "godot-wsl-lsp", "--host", "<your host ipv4 address>" },

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the fix from @brunobmello25 was published as version 1.1.0.

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