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Lucas Gonze lucasgonze

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lucasgonze / gist:c5d935823ef17f5ffa3f
Last active December 21, 2023 02:17
DIY URL Shortener

Do This

  1. Create dedicated domain on an Apache server that supports .htaccess
  2. ssh to root directory there
  3. Use to create 200 random strings. (Five characters long, with digits, uppercase letters and lowercase letters).
  4. Save to short-strings.txt
  5. echo "RewriteRules On" > .htaccess
  6. cat short-strings.txt | awk '{print "RewriteRule ^"$1"$ TO [R,L]"}' >> .htaccess
  7. rm short-strings.txt
  8. When you want to shorten a URL, edit .htaccess. Replace any TO with the long URL.
lucasgonze / Grassroots vs Business Development: Models of Community Growth for
Last active February 6, 2023 17:00
Grassroots vs Business Development: Models of Community Growth for Magma

In an Outreach Workgroup conversation on Feb 2, 2023, the conversation turned to strategy for community growth, and I advocated - not for the first time - a more grassroots model. Historically Magma was built around business to business relationships driven like business development in a company, I said, and that flowed from the project's origin's as a Facebook corporate initiative. I advocated for a more grassroots model, looking for organic growth.

Other workgroup members debated whether such a model makes sense for a technology like Magma. It has high barriers to entry no matter what. A hobbyist is unlikely to be able to surmount those barriers. Moreover, the value proposition is mostly relevant only to businesses. (If I mistate this position, I welcome improvements!)

In this document I'll make the case that these positions are only opposed in ways that are superficial.

Magma Development is a Club

The researcher Nadia Eghbal has suggested a method of classifying open source projects along two axes:

lucasgonze /
Last active January 26, 2022 22:00
Mission Statement for NFT Infrastructure

Low-hanging fruit for NFTs as a whole is fixing the issues Jonty pointed out in his epic March 17, 2021, tweet thread ( These issues are not new features or use cases, but are blockers for new features. Fixing these issues will increase trust in NFTs and help grow sales.


The NFT token you bought either points to a URL on the internet, or an IPFS hash. In most circumstances it references an IPFS gateway on the internet run by the startup you bought the NFT from. Oh, and that URL is not the media. That URL is a JSON metadata file


  • NFTs should be durable
    • Their lifetime must not be limited to the company managing the sale
    • They must not change after purchase, because then the changer can invalidate the contract. Portions that are dynamic must be cleanly marked and communicated. The terms of the sale must restrict the seller from modifying any other facet.
  • NFTs should be complete

Metrics Model: DEI Success

Why You Should Care

As a community manager on a project that wants to increase the number of contributors, I want to know where to focus my efforts to optimize diversity.

Metrics in the Metrics Model

  • [Metric Title Here](link to metric here)
  • explanation of relevance
lucasgonze /
Last active November 10, 2021 17:39
Contributor Funnel Model (V2)

Metrics Model: New Contributor Funnel

Why You Should Care

As a community manager on a project that wants to increase the number of contributors, I want to know where new contributors are dropping out. I need:

  • To know how I am doing as a whole
  • To track how well I am doing at each stage
  • To identify the most impactful places to improve
lucasgonze /
Last active November 3, 2021 22:28
Metrics Model Markdown Template

Name of Metrics Model

Why You Should Care

Metrics in the Metrics Model

lucasgonze /
Created April 11, 2014 22:07
proof gist for keybase

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am lucasgonze on github.
  • I am lucasgonze ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 20C5 5241 F079 0321 E543 115E 074B 4948 A743 7F4F

To claim this, I am signing this object:

lucasgonze / spotifytext2xspf.rb
Created August 10, 2011 21:28
convert Spotify playlist to XSPF, semi-manual
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Quickie to convert a Spotify playlist into XSPF.
# In Spotify open your playlist, select all tracks, copy.
# Open a text editor and paste.
# You'll have a list of lines formatted as
lucasgonze / gist:a57f8f5262a5a82c3797
Last active August 25, 2020 17:27
Q: how do you make money? A: sell stuff

Internet of Things products rely on hardware sensors. These are little devices that monitor things like room temperature, heart rate, compass reading, etc. Sensors need to be cheap and plentiful. Low prices mean ultra-low profit margins.

So how do you make money in the sensor business?

  1. Only allow access from a front end you control, and charge for the front end.
  2. Don't bother trying, let suckers eat the tiny margin.
  3. Give away the sensor and own the data center and/or UI.

Those are the consensus as far as I can tell, anyway. But I don't know if I believe this is all you can do. So here are my contrarian answers:

lucasgonze / gist:7252837
Created October 31, 2013 16:37
Kevin Prichard's account of YouTube DJing at a party.

I've got an old friend living in Seoul now, she says karaoke clubs are still very popular there, that Friday night after work binge drinking usually happens to karaoke.

The YT thing: I used to go to a first Fridays party in NYC with some 2600ers at a geek couple's west vill apt, and YT was the thing. Two monitors, one mirrored to the flat panel TV, with one YT vid playing on-deck, the next getting cued on the second monitor; swap windows when the track ends.

Sometimes it was music, live in concert tracks too, but more often it became viral funny stuff like cat videos, Russian dash cam footage of car wrecks, plane crashes, Ron Paul speeches (popular with that crowd but what a buzz kill) -whatever was on ppl's minds at the time. Audience participation in vid selection was a thing.