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Created November 2, 2020 13:51
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AWS KMS based Ethereum transaction signing
import { KMS } from 'aws-sdk';
import { keccak256 } from 'js-sha3';
import * as ethutil from 'ethereumjs-util';
import Web3 from 'web3';
import * as asn1 from 'asn1.js';
import BN from 'bn.js';
import { Transaction, TxData } from 'ethereumjs-tx';
import { TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core/types';
const kms = new KMS({
accessKeyId: '<access_key_id>', // credentials for your IAM user with KMS access
secretAccessKey: '<access_secret>', // credentials for your IAM user with KMS access
region: 'us-east-1',
apiVersion: '2014-11-01',
const keyId = '<KMS key id>';
const EcdsaSigAsnParse = asn1.define('EcdsaSig', function(this: any) {
// parsing this according to
const EcdsaPubKey = asn1.define('EcdsaPubKey', function(this: any) {
// parsing this according to
async function sign(msgHash, keyId) {
const params : KMS.SignRequest = {
// key id or 'Alias/<alias>'
KeyId: keyId,
Message: msgHash,
// 'ECDSA_SHA_256' is the one compatible with ECC_SECG_P256K1.
SigningAlgorithm: 'ECDSA_SHA_256',
MessageType: 'DIGEST'
const res = await kms.sign(params).promise();
return res;
async function getPublicKey(keyPairId: string) {
return kms.getPublicKey({
KeyId: keyPairId
function getEthereumAddress(publicKey: Buffer): string {
console.log("Encoded Pub Key: " + publicKey.toString('hex'));
// The public key is ASN1 encoded in a format according to
// I used to figure out how to parse this
// and defined the schema in the EcdsaPubKey object
let res = EcdsaPubKey.decode(publicKey, 'der');
let pubKeyBuffer : Buffer =;
// The public key starts with a 0x04 prefix that needs to be removed
// more info:
pubKeyBuffer = pubKeyBuffer.slice(1, pubKeyBuffer.length);
const address = keccak256(pubKeyBuffer) // keccak256 hash of publicKey
const buf2 = Buffer.from(address, 'hex');
const EthAddr = "0x" + buf2.slice(-20).toString('hex'); // take last 20 bytes as ethereum adress
console.log("Generated Ethreum address: " + EthAddr);
return EthAddr;
async function findEthereumSig(plaintext) {
let signature = await sign(plaintext, keyId);
if (signature.Signature == undefined) {
throw new Error('Signature is undefined.');
console.log("encoded sig: " + signature.Signature.toString('hex'));
let decoded = EcdsaSigAsnParse.decode(signature.Signature, 'der');
let r : BN = decoded.r;
let s : BN = decoded.s;
console.log("r: " + r.toString(10));
console.log("s: " + s.toString(10));
let tempsig = r.toString(16) + s.toString(16);
let secp256k1N = new BN("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141", 16); // max value on the curve
let secp256k1halfN = secp256k1N.div(new BN(2)); // half of the curve
// Because of EIP-2 not all elliptic curve signatures are accepted
// the value of s needs to be SMALLER than half of the curve
// i.e. we need to flip s if it's greater than half of the curve
if ( {
console.log("s is on the wrong side of the curve... flipping - tempsig: " + tempsig + " length: " + tempsig.length);
// According to EIP2
// if s < half the curve we need to invert it
// s = curve.n - s
s = secp256k1N.sub(s);
console.log("new s: " + s.toString(10));
return { r, s }
// if s is less than half of the curve, we're on the "good" side of the curve, we can just return
return { r, s }
function recoverPubKeyFromSig(msg: Buffer, r : BN, s : BN, v: number) {
console.log("Recovering public key with msg " + msg.toString('hex') + " r: " + r.toString(16) + " s: " + s.toString(16));
let rBuffer = r.toBuffer();
let sBuffer = s.toBuffer();
let pubKey = ethutil.ecrecover(msg, v, rBuffer, sBuffer);
let addrBuf = ethutil.pubToAddress(pubKey);
var RecoveredEthAddr = ethutil.bufferToHex(addrBuf);
console.log( "Recovered ethereum address: " + RecoveredEthAddr);
return RecoveredEthAddr;
function findRightKey(msg: Buffer, r : BN, s: BN, expectedEthAddr: string) {
// This is the wrapper function to find the right v value
// There are two matching signatues on the elliptic curve
// we need to find the one that matches to our public key
// it can be v = 27 or v = 28
let v = 27;
let pubKey = recoverPubKeyFromSig(msg, r, s, v);
if (pubKey != expectedEthAddr) {
// if the pub key for v = 27 does not match
// it has to be v = 28
v = 28;
pubKey = recoverPubKeyFromSig(msg, r, s, v)
console.log("Found the right ETH Address: " + pubKey + " v: " + v);
return { pubKey, v };
async function txTest() {
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("<infura_key>"));
let pubKey = await getPublicKey(keyId);
let ethAddr = getEthereumAddress((pubKey.PublicKey as Buffer));
let ethAddrHash = ethutil.keccak(Buffer.from(ethAddr));
let sig = await findEthereumSig(ethAddrHash);
let recoveredPubAddr = findRightKey(ethAddrHash, sig.r, sig.s, ethAddr);
const txParams: TxData = {
nonce: await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(ethAddr),
gasPrice: '0x0918400000',
gasLimit: 160000,
to: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
value: '0x00',
data: '0x00',
r: sig.r.toBuffer(),
s: sig.s.toBuffer(),
v: recoveredPubAddr.v
const tx = new Transaction(txParams, {
chain: 'kovan',
let txHash = tx.hash(false);
sig = await findEthereumSig(txHash);
recoveredPubAddr = findRightKey(txHash, sig.r, sig.s, ethAddr);
tx.r = sig.r.toBuffer();
tx.s = sig.s.toBuffer();
tx.v = new BN(recoveredPubAddr.v).toBuffer();
// Send signed tx to ethereum network
const serializedTx = tx.serialize().toString('hex');
web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction('0x' + serializedTx)
.on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber : number, receipt : TransactionReceipt) => {})
.on('receipt', (txReceipt : TransactionReceipt) => {
console.log("signAndSendTx txReceipt. Tx Address: " + txReceipt.transactionHash);
.on('error', error => console.log(error));
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