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Last active April 29, 2019 09:36
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Simulating a birthday party where pancakes are served - this gist describes a naïve approach (no parallel or aysnchronous processing, no use of pipelining) and a smart approach (where those mechanisms are employed). The code demonstrates the use of asynchronous generators in combination with promises.
// pancake party for my son's birthday
// I have promised him pancakes. Each pancake has to be baked, decorated (syrup, sugar, jam, ..) and sliced (in bite size sections)
const numberOfGuests = 8
// assuming each guest eats exactly three pancakes
const totalNumberOfPancakes = numberOfGuests * 3
const numberOfPans = 1
// times in milliseconds
const timeToBakeOnePancake = 3000;
const timeToDecoratePancake = 1200;
const timeToSliceAndDicePancake = 600;
const timeToEatPancake = 2700;
const timeSpeedUpFactor = 10;
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.floor(milliseconds / timeSpeedUpFactor)))
const lg = (msg) => {
const d = new Date()
console.log(`${d.getSeconds()}.${Math.round(d.getMilliseconds() / 100)} - ${msg}`)
eatPancake = async function (guest, pancake) {
lg(`Guest ${guest} is happily eating ${JSON.stringify(pancake)}`)
await sleep(timeToEatPancake).then(() => {
lg(`Guest ${guest} is done eating ${JSON.stringify(pancake)}.`);
// this function represents the baking process for a single pancake;
// baking is represented by sleep() and a simplistic pancake object is returned
bakeOnePancake = async function (index) {
return sleep((0.9+0.2*(Math.random())) * timeToBakeOnePancake).then(() => { return { index: index } })
bakeAllPancakes = async function (numberOfPancakes) {
let stack = []
while (stack.length < numberOfPancakes) {
lg(`.. baking pancake ${stack.length+1}`)
var pancake = await bakeOnePancake(stack.length)
return stack
const toppings = ['syrup', 'chocolate sprinkles', 'strawberry jam']
decoratePancakes = async function (stackOfPancakes) {
for (pancake of stackOfPancakes) {
lg(`.. decorating pancake ${pancake.index}`)
await sleep(timeToDecoratePancake)
pancake.topping = toppings[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
return stackOfPancakes
sliceAndDicePancakes = async function (stackOfPancakes) {
for (pancake of stackOfPancakes) {
lg(`.. slicing and dicing pancake ${pancake.index}`)
await sleep(timeToSliceAndDicePancake)
pancake.sliced = `${4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)} pieces`;
return stackOfPancakes
// fully sequential approach
party = async function () {
var startTime =;
// first get the full stack of pancakes
var pancakes = await bakeAllPancakes(totalNumberOfPancakes)
// then decorate all pancakes
var decoratedPancakes = await decoratePancakes(pancakes)
// finally slice and dice all of them, turning them into ready to eat pancakes
var readyToEatPancakes = await sliceAndDicePancakes(decoratedPancakes)
// finally, all guests get to eat the pancakes, in three rounds
var firstPancakeOnPlateTime =;
for (var eatingRound = 0; eatingRound < 3; eatingRound++) {
for (var guest = 0; guest < 8; guest++) {
// hand pancake to guest and wait for the guest to finish eating
await eatPancake(guest + 1, readyToEatPancakes.pop())
}// guests
}// eatingRounds
var endTime =;
console.log(`Time from start to first pancake on plate ${(firstPancakeOnPlateTime - startTime) / 1000}`)
console.log(`Time from start to finish ${(endTime - startTime) / 1000}`)
}// party
// go and have that party!
// pancake party for my son's birthday
// I have promised him pancakes. Each pancake has to be baked, decorated (syrup, sugar, jam, ..) and sliced (in bite size sections)
// - the process is pipelined: from baking to decorating to slicing to eating is a pipelined serie of handovers
// note however that there is no parallellism in the pipeline: the eating takes place sequentially and since the eating drives the entire pipeline, everything else is sequential as well
// What we can do is have each node in the pipeline build up its own little cache of ready product and yield to order
// that way for example we can start cleaning the pans earlier on and send the cooks home
const numberOfGuests = 8
// assuming each guest eats exactly three pancakes
const numberOfPancakesPerGuest = 3
const totalNumberOfPancakes = numberOfGuests * numberOfPancakesPerGuest
// the number of pans at this point does not change the time either start to finish or to first pancake on plate
const numberOfPans = 4
// times in milliseconds
const timeToBakeOnePancake = 3000;
const timeToDecoratePancake = 1200;
const timeToSliceAndDicePancake = 600;
const timeToEatPancake = 2700;
const timeSpeedUpFactor = 10;
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.floor(milliseconds / timeSpeedUpFactor)))
const lg = (msg) => {
const d = new Date()
console.log(`${d.getSeconds()}.${Math.round(d.getMilliseconds() / 100)} - ${msg}`)
// the function that describes eating the pancake by a guest
// the promise of pancake (an empty plate with cutlery?) is the input
// as soon as the promise materializes into a pancake
// a message is logged and the guest starts eating; when done eating (representedby sleep) another message is logged
eatPancake = function (guest, pancakePromise) {
return pancakePromise.then(
(pancake) => {
if (firstPancake) { firstPancake = false; firstPancakeOnPlateTime =; }
lg(`Guest ${guest} is happily eating ${JSON.stringify(pancake)}`);
return sleep(timeToEatPancake).then(() => {
lg(`Guest ${guest} is done eating ${JSON.stringify(pancake)}.`);
// this function represents the baking process for a single pancake;
// baking is represented by sleep() and a simplistic pancake object is returned
bakeOnePancake = async function (index) {
return sleep((0.9+0.2*(Math.random())) * timeToBakeOnePancake).then(() => { return { index: index } })
bakeAllPancakes = async function* (numberOfPancakes) {
let stacksize = 0
var freshPancakes;
while (stacksize< numberOfPancakes) {
let bakingNow = []
for (var pan = 0; pan < numberOfPans; pan++) {
lg(`.. baking pancake ${stacksize + pan + 1} in pan ${pan}`)
// add promise for pancake to bakingNow collection
bakingNow.push(bakeOnePancake(stacksize + pan + 1))
}// for pans
await Promise.all(bakingNow).then((pancakes) => {
lg(` .. round of baking pancakes complete, all pans done. `)
freshPancakes = pancakes
// yield all pancakes - executed after Promise.all
for (pancake of freshPancakes) yield pancake;
stacksize = stacksize + freshPancakes.length
freshPancakes = null;
lg(`.. all pans free, next round`)
}// while
const toppings = ['syrup', 'chocolate sprinkles', 'strawberry jam']
decoratePancakes = async function* (stackOfPancakes) {
for await (pancake of stackOfPancakes) {
lg(`.. decorating pancake ${pancake.index}`)
await sleep(timeToDecoratePancake)
pancake.topping = toppings[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
yield pancake
sliceAndDicePancakes = async function* (stackOfPancakes) {
for await (pancake of stackOfPancakes) {
lg(`.. slicing and dicing pancake ${pancake.index}`)
await sleep(timeToSliceAndDicePancake)
pancake.sliced = `${4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)} pieces`;
yield pancake
var firstPancakeOnPlateTime
var firstPancake = true;
party = async function () {
var startTime =;
// pipeline the pancakes from baking through decorating and slicingNDicing to eating
// readyToEatPancakes is an iterable - a promise with multiple deliveries
readyToEatPancakes = sliceAndDicePancakes(decoratePancakes(bakeAllPancakes(totalNumberOfPancakes)))
// in three eating rounds
for (var eatingRound = 0; eatingRound < numberOfPancakesPerGuest; eatingRound++) {
var eatingGuests = []
// we get pancakes to all guest as quickly as possible
for (var guest = 1; guest <= numberOfGuests; guest++) {
var pk =
eatingGuests.push(eatPancake(guest, pk))
}// guests
lg(`All guests have been handed a pancake promise`)
// and then we wait for all guests to have finished eating their pancake
await Promise.all(eatingGuests).then((values) => {
lg(`.. eating round ${eatingRound + 1} complete.`)
var endTime =;
console.log(`Time from start to first pancake on plate ${(firstPancakeOnPlateTime - startTime) / 1000}`)
console.log(`Time from start to finish ${(endTime - startTime) / 1000}`)
}// party
// go and have that party!
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