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Last active December 28, 2021 12:08
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OCI Go SDK ObjectStorag explorations
package main
import (
const tenancyOCID string = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aokq"
const userOCID string = "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaa"
const region string = "us-ashburn-1"
const fingerprint string = "02:91:6c:49:d8:04:56"
const compartmentOCID = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaazrq"
func initializeConfigurationProvider() common.ConfigurationProvider {
privateKey := os.Getenv("pem") // set content of PEM in environment variable pem using export pem=$(cat ./ppk) with ppk a text file that contains the PEM private key00
configurationProvider := common.NewRawConfigurationProvider(tenancyOCID, userOCID, region, fingerprint, string(privateKey), nil)
return configurationProvider
// fatalIfError is equivalent to Println() followed by a call to os.Exit(1) if error is not nil
func fatalIfError(err error) {
if err != nil {
func getResponseStatusCode(response *http.Response) int {
return response.StatusCode
// bucketname needs to be unique within compartment. there is no concept of "child" buckets.
func ensureBucketExists(ctx context.Context, client objectstorage.ObjectStorageClient, namespace, name string, compartmentOCID string) {
req := objectstorage.GetBucketRequest{
NamespaceName: &namespace,
BucketName: &name,
// verify if bucket exists
response, err := client.GetBucket(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
if 404 == response.RawResponse.StatusCode {
createBucket(ctx, client, namespace, name, compartmentOCID)
// bucketname needs to be unique within compartment. there is no concept of "child" buckets.
func createBucket(ctx context.Context, client objectstorage.ObjectStorageClient, namespace string, name string, compartmentOCID string) {
request := objectstorage.CreateBucketRequest{
NamespaceName: &namespace,
request.CompartmentId = &compartmentOCID
request.Name = &name
request.Metadata = make(map[string]string)
request.PublicAccessType = objectstorage.CreateBucketDetailsPublicAccessTypeNopublicaccess
_, err := client.CreateBucket(ctx, request)
fmt.Println("Created bucket ", name)
func getNamespace(ctx context.Context, client objectstorage.ObjectStorageClient) string {
request := objectstorage.GetNamespaceRequest{}
r, err := client.GetNamespace(ctx, request)
return *r.Value
func putObject(ctx context.Context, c objectstorage.ObjectStorageClient, namespace, bucketname, objectname string, objectContent, metadata map[string]string) error {
request := objectstorage.PutObjectRequest{
NamespaceName: &namespace,
BucketName: &bucketname,
ObjectName: &objectname,
ContentLength: &int64(len(objectContent)),
PutObjectBody: ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(objectContent)),
OpcMeta: metadata,
_, err := c.PutObject(ctx, request)
fmt.Println("Put object ", objectname, " in bucket ", bucketname)
return err
func getObject(ctx context.Context, c objectstorage.ObjectStorageClient, namespace string, bucketname string, objectname string) (string, error) {
fmt.Println("get object ", objectname)
request := objectstorage.GetObjectRequest{
NamespaceName: &namespace,
BucketName: &bucketname,
ObjectName: &objectname,
response, err := c.GetObject(ctx, request)
// fmt.Println("get object, status code ", response.RawResponse.StatusCode)
// fmt.Println("content length ", *response.ContentLength)
// fmt.Println("content type ", *response.ContentType)
buf := new(strings.Builder)
_, err = io.Copy(buf, response.Content)
return buf.String(), err
func deleteObject(ctx context.Context, c objectstorage.ObjectStorageClient, namespace, bucketname, objectname string) (err error) {
request := objectstorage.DeleteObjectRequest{
NamespaceName: &namespace,
BucketName: &bucketname,
ObjectName: &objectname,
_, err = c.DeleteObject(ctx, request)
fmt.Println("Deleted object ", objectname)
func main() {
configurationProvider := initializeConfigurationProvider()
objectStorageClient, clerr := objectstorage.NewObjectStorageClientWithConfigurationProvider(configurationProvider)
ctx := context.Background()
namespace := getNamespace(ctx, objectStorageClient)
bucketName := "GoBucket"
ensureBucketExists(ctx, objectStorageClient, namespace, bucketName, compartmentOCID)
objectName := "FreshObject"
objectContent := "My Content in plain text"
err := putObject(ctx, objectStorageClient, namespace, bucketName, objectName, objectContent, nil)
// remove the object after 60 seconds - by first deferring the removal and then waiting for 8 seconds
defer deleteObject(ctx, objectStorageClient, namespace, bucketName, objectName)
fmt.Println("go get object ", objectName)
contents, error := getObject(ctx, objectStorageClient, namespace, bucketName, objectName)
fmt.Println("Object contents: ", contents)
fmt.Println("Go Sleep")
time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
// when sleep is over, deferred statements are executed prior to exiting the application
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