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Created November 29, 2021 21:42
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terraform composite for function on OCI
### Repository in the Container Image Registry for the container images underpinning the function
resource "oci_artifacts_container_repository" "container_repository_for_function" {
# note: repository = store for all images versions of a specific container image - so it included the function name
compartment_id = var.compartment_ocid
display_name = "${local.ocir_repo_name}/${var.function_name}"
is_immutable = false
is_public = false
resource "null_resource" "Login2OCIR" {
depends_on = [ oci_artifacts_container_repository.container_repository_for_function]
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo '${var.ocir_user_password}' | docker login ${local.ocir_docker_repository} --username ${local.ocir_namespace}/${var.ocir_user_name} --password-stdin"
### build the function into a container image and push that image to the repository in the OCI Container Image Registry
resource "null_resource" "FnPush2OCIR" {
depends_on = [null_resource.Login2OCIR, oci_artifacts_container_repository.container_repository_for_function]
# remove function image (if it exists) from local container registry
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "image=$(docker images | grep ${local.app_name_lower} | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}') ; docker rmi -f $image &> /dev/null ; echo $image"
working_dir = "functions/fake-fun"
# remove fake-fun image (if it exists) from local container registry
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "image=$(docker images | grep fake-fun | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}') ; docker rmi -f $image &> /dev/null ; echo $image"
working_dir = "functions/fake-fun"
# build the function; this results in an image called fake-fun (because of the name attribnute in the func.yaml file)
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "fn build --verbose"
working_dir = "functions/fake-fun"
# tag the container image with the proper name - based on the actual name of the function
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "image=$(docker images | grep fake-fun | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}') ; docker tag $image ${local.ocir_docker_repository}/${local.ocir_namespace}/${local.ocir_repo_name}/${var.function_name}:0.0.1"
working_dir = "functions/fake-fun"
# create a container image based on fake-fun (hello world), tagged for the designated function name
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "docker push ${local.ocir_docker_repository}/${local.ocir_namespace}/${local.ocir_repo_name}/${var.function_name}:0.0.1"
working_dir = "functions/fake-fun"
resource "oci_functions_function" "new_function" {
depends_on = [null_resource.FnPush2OCIR]
application_id = "${local.application_id}"
display_name = "${var.function_name}"
image = "${local.ocir_docker_repository}/${local.ocir_namespace}/${local.ocir_repo_name}/${var.function_name}:0.0.1"
memory_in_mbs = "128"
config = tomap({
DUMMY_CONFIG_PARAM = "no value required"
### wait a little while before the function is ready to be invoked
## I got the following errors without this wait introduced into the plan
## Error: 404-NotAuthorizedOrNotFound
## Error Message: Authorization failed or requested resource not found
##│Suggestion: Either the resource has been deleted or service Functions Invoke Function need policy to access this resource.
resource "time_sleep" "wait_for_function_to_be_ready" {
depends_on = [oci_functions_function.new_function]
create_duration = "10s"
resource "oci_functions_invoke_function" "test_invoke_new_function" {
depends_on = [time_sleep.wait_for_function_to_be_ready]
function_id =
invoke_function_body = var.test_invoke_function_body
fn_intent = "httprequest"
fn_invoke_type = "sync"
base64_encode_content = false
output "function_response" {
value = oci_functions_invoke_function.test_invoke_new_function.content
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