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Last active September 3, 2021 05:00
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automatically generate a click for the talon zoom mouse every n seconds
# This script automatically generates a pop for the talon zoom mouse every n seconds,
# then another one 2 seconds later. For when you want to do a ton of clicking actions
# without getting jaw cramp. If you don't want to click, just look away within 2 seconds.
from talon import Context, Module, actions, app, cron, ctrl, imgui, noise, settings, ui
from talon_plugins import eye_mouse, eye_zoom_mouse, speech
from talon_plugins.eye_mouse import config, toggle_camera_overlay, toggle_control
# Put the following at the bottom of talon/resources/talon_plugins/
# (you will need to reapply this after every talon update)
# def simulate_zoom_pop():
# zoom_mouse.on_pop(False)
class config:
auto_pop_enabled = False
cronjob = None
speed = 10
def first_pop():
if config.auto_pop_enabled:
cron.after("2000ms", second_pop)
def second_pop():
config.cronjob = cron.interval("10000ms", first_pop)
mod = Module()
class Actions:
def enable_auto_pop():
"""Enables auto pop"""
config.auto_pop_enabled = True
def disable_auto_pop():
"""Disables auto pop"""
config.auto_pop_enabled = False
def auto_pop_faster():
"""Speeds up auto pop"""
config.speed -= 5
if config.speed < 5:
config.speed = 5
config.cronjob = cron.interval("{}000ms".format(config.speed), first_pop)
actions.user.notify("Speed set to {}".format(config.speed))
def auto_pop_slower():
"""Slows down auto pop"""
config.speed += 5
config.cronjob = cron.interval("{}000ms".format(config.speed), first_pop)
actions.user.notify("Speed set to {}".format(config.speed))
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