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Last active July 14, 2018 11:15
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Deep watcher over objects
if (!Object.prototype.deepWatch) {
Object.prototype.deepWatch = function(f) {
let res = {};
Object.keys(this).forEach(k => {
let src = this[k];
if (Array.isArray(src)) {
res[k] = new Proxy(src, {
set(src, i, val) {
if (i !== "length"), src, [...src, val]);
return Reflect.set(...arguments);
get() { return Reflect.get(...arguments); }
} else if (typeof src === "object") {
res[k] = this[k].deepWatch(f);
} else if (typeof src !== "function") {
let _k = `_${ k }`;
res[_k] = src;
Object.defineProperty(res, k, {
set(val) {, this[_k], val);
this[_k] = val;
get() { return this[_k]; }
} else {
res[k] = src;
return res;
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