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Last active October 14, 2021 15:32
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Yielder (nicer way to do custom resuming)
local Yielder = {}
Yielder.__index = Yielder
function Class
return setmetatable({
_thread = nil
}, Yielder)
function Yielder:Yield(...): (...any)
if self._thread ~= nil then
error("Cannot yield two threads at once", 2)
self._thread = coroutine.running()
return coroutine.yield(...)
function Yielder:Resume(...): (...any)
if self._thread == nil then
error("No thread to resume", 2)
local thread = self._thread
self._thread = nil
return task.spawn(thread, ...)
export type Class = typeof(
setmetatable({}, Yielder)
return Yielder
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