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Last active December 6, 2021 14:15
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Docker file: Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:17.0.1-slim

# Copy the jar to the production image from the builder stage.
COPY /target/scala-2.13/service.jar /service.jar

# Run the web service on container startup.
CMD ["java", "", "-jar", "service.jar"]

#EXPOSE 3000

# [END run_helloworld_dockerfile]
# [END cloudrun_helloworld_dockerfile]

Docker building:

docker build -t my-service-app .

Docker tagging for Google Cloud:

docker tag my-service-app<project_id>/my-service

Docker pushing image to Google Cloud Registry

docker push<project_id>/my-service

Grpc project with Akka and AstraDB (Cassandra) example

Deploying to Google Cloud Run

-- Dont forget to enable HTTP2

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