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Last active April 23, 2021 00:30
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Unity Script Attributes


using UnityEngine;

public class MyClass
	// [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod]
	// Invokes a static method when the game is loaded at runtime.

	public static void OnLoad()

	[RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(loadType: RuntimeInitializeLoadType.AfterSceneLoad)]
	public static void OnSceneLoad()
		Debug.Log("Scene loaded!");

MonoBehaviour Scripts

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

// [ExecuteAlways]
// Executes MonoBehaviour methods outside of play mode.


// [DisallowMultipleComponent]
// Prevents MonoBehaviour of same type (or subtype) to be added more than once to a GameObject.


// [RequireComponent]
// When adding this script to an object, the required component will also automatically be added.


// [HelpURLAttribute]
// Provide a custom documentation URL for a class.


// [SelectionBase]
// Make objects with this script the selection target (in the hierarchy of objects).


// [AddComponentMenu]
// Set where the component appears in the "Component" menu and "Add Component" dialog.
// Can use `order` to re-order items.

[AddComponentMenu("MyScripts/Example2", 1)]

public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour
	// [Min]
	// Restrict a float or int to a minimum value;

	public float minZero;

	// [Range]
	// Restrict a float or int to a range.
	// Adds a slider to the inspector.

	[Range(0, 1)]
	public float opacity;

	// [Multiline]
	// Present a string field with a multi-line editor.
	// Fixed height and sits to the right of the field label.

	public string defaultMultiline;

	// [TextArea]
	// Present a string field with a multi-line editor.
	// Sits below the field label, using the full width of the inspector.
	// Can customize height.

	public string defaultTextArea;

	[TextArea(minLines: 6, maxLines: 10)]
	public string customTextArea;

	// [InspectorName]
	// Set the display name of an enum value.

	public enum Difficulty

	public Difficulty displayMode = Difficulty.Medium;

	// [ColorUsage]
	// Customize Color inspector.
	// By default alpha=true, hdr=false.

	[ColorUsage(showAlpha: false)]
	public Color colorNoAlpha;

	[ColorUsage(showAlpha: true, hdr: true)]
	public Color colorAlphaAndHDR;

	// [GradientUsage]
	// Customize Gradient inspector.
	// By default hdr=false.

	[GradientUsage(hdr: true)]
	public Gradient gradientHDR;

	// [HideInInspector]
	public int thisWillNotShowInTheInspector;

	// [Delayed]
	// Field will only update underlying values once the user presses enter or moves focus.
	// Can use on float, int or string.

	public float delayedFloat;

	// [Tooltip]
	// Add a tooltip to a field.

	[Tooltip("Health value between 0 and 100.")]
	public int health = 10;

	// [Header]
	// Add a header before a field in the inspector.

	[Header("Item Settings")]
	public float itemPrice;

	// [Space]
	// Add some vertical spacing before a field in the inspector.

	public int afterDefaultSpace;

	public int afterCustomSpace;

	// [ContextMenu]
	// Add a command to the context menu of a script's instance inspector.
	// Can define a validation function which disables the command by returning false.
	// Can re-order commands using `priority`. 

	[ContextMenu("Look At Origin")]
	void LookAtOrigin()

	[ContextMenu("Look At Origin", isValidateFunction: true)]
	bool ValidateLookAtOrigin()
		return transform.position !=;

	[ContextMenu("Do Something", isValidateFunction: false, priority: 1000)]
	void Something() {}

	// [ContextMenuItem]
	// Add a command to the context menu of a script property's inspector.

	[ContextMenuItem("Randomize", "RandomizeColor")]
	public Color color;

	void RandomizeColor()
		color = Random.ColorHSV();

	// [SerializeField]
	// Force Unity to serialize a private field (only public fields a serialized by default).

	private bool haveVisitedTown;

	// [SerializeReference]
	// Force Unity to serialize a field by reference rather than by value.

	public List<object> myObjects;


// menuItem  Where to show the command in the Asset/Create menu.
// fileName  The default file name used by newly created instances of this type.
// order     The position of the item within the given menu.
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Catalog/StoreItem", fileName = "StoreItem", order = 1)]

// Use binary serialization regardless of project's asset serialization mode.
// Useful for types that contain large amounts of data.

public class MyScriptableObject : ScriptableObject

Editor Scripts

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

// Make a custom editor support multi-object editing.

// Mark which type it's an editor for.

public class MyScript : Editor
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