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Created April 5, 2020 19:14
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import sys
def Right(i):
# right child index
return 2*i + 2
def Left(i):
# left child index
return 2*i +1
def Parent(i):
# parent index
return (i-1)//2
def maxHeapify(A,i):
# it takes the node with index i and puts it in the right position
# in the heap to make it a maxHeap
l = Left(i)
r = Right(i)
# since we already know that element in index i will be: smaller
# than the right/left child or higher than both
# we are storing the index of the higher child in 'largest'
# which will be the substitution that we need to make, in case that we need to do any substitution
if l < (len(A)) and A[l] > A[i]:
largest = l
largest = i
if r < (len(A)) and A[r] > A[largest]:
largest = r
# now we already have 'largest' in the index that we want to do the substitution
# we change values if 'largest' is not our current value 'i'
# ultimately we recursivelly call maxHeapify in 'largest' to make sure
# that our element will buble down to the right place it should be
if largest != i:
h = A[i]
A[i] = A[largest]
A[largest]= h
maxHeapify(A, largest)
return A
def heappop(A):
# getting the last value so we can put in the place of the highest value
last = A.pop()
if A:
# if there is elements in the array
# we will return the highest item
# and the root will be the last value
# now we just bubble the root down
returnitem = A[0]
A[0] = last
maxHeapify(A, 0)
print(A, 'heappop')
return returnitem
return last
def heapify(A):
# calling maxHeapify for every node except the leaves
# so we can form a max-heap array
for a in range(int(len(A)//2),-1,-1):
print(A, 'heapify')
return A
def bubbleUp(A, i, key):
# while is not the root and the parent is smaller than our value
while i > 0 and A[Parent(i)] < A[i]:
# we change the parent with current value
A[i], A[Parent(i)] = A[Parent(i)], A[i]
# variable i receive parent
i = Parent(i)
print(A, 'heappush')
return A
def heappush(A, key):
# appending key in the last position
# bubbling it up to have the max-heap property
return bubbleUp(A, len(A)-1, key)
assert heappush([4,3,2,1], 8) == [8,4,2,1,3]
assert heapify([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) == [8, 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2]
assert heappop([8, 5, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 2]) == 8
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