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Last active February 25, 2024 16:59
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Red action requesters (alert, confirm, etc.)
Red [
title: "Action requesters"
author: [@luce80]
date: 25-02-2024
version: 0.7.4
History: [
0.0.0 [23-12-2022 "Started"]
0.7.0 [28-12-2022 "Ok"]
0.7.1 [31-12-2022 "Fixed /center"]
0.7.2 [19-03-2023 "Rescaled icons down to 36x36 pixels"]
0.7.3 [18-01-2024 "Changed title of confirm requester"]
0.7.4 [25-02-2024 "Added a bit of margin around text"]
licence: 'PD
Note: {Needs Red 0.6.4 built 26-Nov-2022 or later}
Notes: {
Here are a few functions modeled on those of Rebol2 to open a requester to show a message to the user and possibly let the user make a choice.
Some parts inspired by @greggirwin requesters.
These requesters are meant for relativly short messages, better not abuse them.
WARNING: see workaround for `flash` messages in example below.
See at bottom of script for usage examples.
system-view-action-requesters-ctx: context [
size-text-face: make-face/size/spec 'rich-text system/view/screens/1/size - 200x200 [wrap font []] ;@@ IMHO this face! should be somewhere inside view object!
req-red: 180.35.55
req-yellow: 240.170.0
req-blue: 0.50.160
req-green: 35.130.80
font-25: make font! [style: 'bold size: 25 name: system/view/fonts/serif]
icons: [
question: [translate 24x24
pen off fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 48 55.200.0 req-green circle 0x0 24
font font-25 pen white text -8x-20 "?" ]
stop: [translate 24x24
pen off fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 48 230.10.10 req-red
polygon -24x10 -24x-10 -10x-24 10x-24 24x-10 24x10 10x24 -10x24 ; octagon
pen white line-width 5 rotate 45 line -16x0 16x0 rotate 90 line -16x0 16x0 ]
deny: [translate 24x24
pen req-red line-width 2 fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 48 230.10.10 req-red circle 0x0 23
pen white line-width 7 line -16x0 16x0 ]
prohibit: [translate 24x24
pen req-red line-width 6 fill-pen white circle 0x0 21
line-width 5 rotate 45 line -20x0 20x0 ]
required: [translate 24x24
pen off fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 58 0.55.200 req-blue circle 0x0 24
font font-25 pen white text -6x-20 "!" ]
help: [translate 24x24
pen off fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 58 0.55.200 req-blue circle 0x0 24
font font-25 pen white text -8x-20 "?" ]
info: [translate 24x24
pen off fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 58 0.55.200 req-blue box -24x-24 24x24 8
font font-25 pen white text -5x-20 "i" ]
alert: [translate 24x24 ; warning
pen req-yellow line-width 4 line-join round
fill-pen radial -10x-10 0 58 240.230.0 req-yellow triangle 0x-21 -22x21 22x21
font font-25 pen black text -6x-15 "!" ]
cycle: func [
"Cycles through a series"
series [series! port!]
/back ; redefined
either back [
system/words/back either head? series [tail series] [series]
either tail? next series [head series] [next series]
find-window: function [
"Find a face's window face."
face [object!]
p: face/parent
while [p/type <> 'window][p: p/parent]
face-offset: function [ ; FIXME merge this func and find-window into one func
"Return a face's offset relative to its window."
face [object!]
/screen "Offset relative to screen"
;/with face2 [object!] ; TBD
offset: any [face/offset 0x0]
p: face/parent
while [p/type <> 'window][offset: offset + p/offset p: p/parent ]
max 0x0 either screen [offset + p/offset][offset]
; TBD center-face using face-offset
set 'request function [
"Displays a message or requests a choice."
msg [string! block! none!] "Message to display or block with texts"
/type icon [word!] "One of: question (default), info, required, help, alert, deny, prohibit, stop"
/only "No buttons"
/ok "Only ok button"
/confirm "Only ok and cancel buttons"
/title string [string!]
/offset xy [pair!]
/new "Returns immediately giving window face object as result"
/center face [object!] "Center over this face"
/no-modal "Normal non-modal window"
/timeout timer [number! time!] "Number of seconds or period of time to wait"
result: none
text-ok: "OK" text-no: "No" text-bo: "Cancel"
if block? msg [
msg: reduce msg
set/some [msg text-ok text-no text-bo] msg
msg: any [msg "What is your choice?"]
text-size: 4x4 + size-text also size-text-face size-text-face/text: msg
type: any [icon (select [#"." info #"?" help #"!" alert] last msg) 'question]
title: any [string uppercase/part form type 1]
win: layout compose/deep [
title (title)
space 0x0
center ;@@ could/should be inside system/view/VID/GUI-rules
panel [
across middle
base 36x36 glass draw [scale .75 .75 (any [icons/(type) icons/question])]
rich-text glass text-size msg wrap
panel (either only [0x0][[]]) [
(either only [[]] [compose [
b-ok: button (text-ok) [result: yes unview] focus
(either ok [[]] [compose [
b-no: button (text-no) [result: no unview]
(either confirm [[]] [compose [
b-cancel: button (text-bo) [result: none unview]
faces: trim reduce [b-ok b-no b-cancel]
;if object? b-ok [set-focus b-ok] ; FIXME bug workaround ; bug was fixed
if xy [win/offset: xy]
if center [win/offset: (face-offset/screen face) - (win/size - face/size / 2)]
win/rate: either timer [to time! timer] [8760:0:0] ; is an year enough ?
flags: compose [
no-min no-max
(either no-modal [[]]['modal])
opts: [
actors: object [
on-time: func [face event] [rate: none unview]
on-key: func [face event] [
if event/key = #"^(esc)" [unview]
faces: switch/default event/key [
right [cycle faces]
left [cycle/back faces]
#"^(tab)" [either event/shift? [cycle/back faces][cycle faces]]
#"^O" [if object? b-ok [result: yes unview]]
#"^N" [if object? b-no [result: no unview]]
#"^C" [if object? b-cancel [result: none unview]]
] [faces]
unless empty? faces [set-focus first faces]
;either new [view/no-wait/flags/options win flags opts] [view/flags/options win flags opts]
;no-wait: new view/:no-wait/flags/options win flags opts
;apply 'view/:no-wait/:flags/:options [win new yes flags yes opts]
apply 'view [win /no-wait new /flags yes flags /options yes opts]
either new [win][result]
set 'alert func [
"Flashes an alert message to the user. Waits for a user response."
msg [string! block! none!] "Message to display or block with texts"
request/ok/type msg 'alert
set 'confirm func [
"Confirms a user choice."
question [series!] "Prompt to user"
/with choices [string! block!]
question: form question
request/confirm/title append copy [question] any [choices []] "Please confirm"
set 'flash func [
"Flashes a message to the user and continues."
msg [string! block! none!] "Message to display or block with texts"
/with face "Center over this face"
/offset xy
case [
offset [request/new/only/title/offset msg "Information" xy]
with [request/new/only/title/center msg "Information" face]
'else [request/new/only/title msg "Information"]
set 'notify func [
"Flashes an informational message to the user. Waits for a user response."
msg [string! block! none!] "Message to display or block with texts"
request/ok/type msg 'info
] ; system-view-action-requesters-ctx
if any [ = find/last/tail system/options/script "/" ; It's really me ?
system/script/args = "test"] [
prin "" ; open console for debug
probe request/timeout none 1
probe request/only "Press <Esc> to close this window!"
probe request/only "Press <Esc> again to close also this window."
probe request/ok "Hello World."
probe request/ok "And now?"
probe request/confirm/type "Is it a good World?" 'question
probe request/type ["This is a panic situation !" "Stop" "Try" "Forget"] 'stop
probe alert "You should not have done that !"
probe confirm "Yes or No ?"
probe confirm/with "Use A or B ?" ["A" "B"]
flash "Reading site..."
do-events/no-wait ;@@ workaround to avoid hanging or premature closing
f1: flash "Calculating..."
wait 1
do-events/no-wait ;@@ workaround to avoid hanging or premature closing
unview/only f1
notify "Job done"
;alert "Remember to close the console window !"
if system/script/args <> "test" [quit] ; close console window
] ; if
] ; do
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