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Last active May 17, 2019 18:46
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Red VID reactive script in 3 versions
Red [
Title: "Red VID reactive script in 3 versions"
Author: "luce80 derived from Nenad Rakocevic"
Needs: 'View
License: "MIT"
Notes: {
Demo of chained reactive programming, moving the sliders changes text, field, progress and the box's color
which in turn, changes the bottom text font color. Also changing field changes slider that changes all
the rest ;) .
See at end of script for a nice comment.
to-color: function [r g b][
color: 0.0.0
if r [color/1: to integer! 256 * r]
if g [color/2: to integer! 256 * g]
if b [color/3: to integer! 256 * b]
to-text: function [val][form to integer! 0.5 + 255 * any [val 0]]
round-to: func [n scale] [n: 0.5 * scale + n n - mod n scale]
scale-to-01: func [value low up] [(min max low any [value 0.0] up) / (up - low)]
set-change: func [face [object!] path [word! path!] value] [if value <> get in face path [set in face path value do-actor face none 'change]]
clear-reactions ; not needed
view [
title "Color slider reactive demo"
style label: text 40 right middle ;red
style component: text "0" 30 right bold
text "targets react to slider , slider reacts to field" bold font [size: 10]
R: slider
react [face/data: to-percent scale-to-01 field-num/data 0.0 500.0]
react [face/text: to-text R/data]
field-num: field "0.0" right
react [face/data: 500 * round-to to-float R/data 0.001]
label "0 - 500" return
react [face/data: R/data]
box: base
react [face/color: to-color R/data 0 0]
text "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." font [size: 14]
react [face/font/color: box/color]
clear-reactions ; not needed
view [
title "Color slider reactive demo"
style label: text 40 right middle ;red
style component: text "0" 30 right bold
text "slider propagates to targets, field propagates to slider" bold font [size: 10]
R: slider
textcolor/data: to-text face/data
field-num/data: 500 * round-to to-float face/data 0.001
prog/data: face/data
set-change box 'color to-color face/data 0 0 ; using set-change to propagate to chained face
; here I could have put also box and text-quick changes
textcolor: component
field-num: field "0.0" right ; I have to set default values
on-change [set-change R 'data to-percent scale-to-01 face/data 0.0 500.0]
label "0 - 500" return
prog: progress
box: base black ; I have to set default values
on-change [text-quick/font/color: face/color]
text-quick: text "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." font [size: 14]
clear-reactions ; not needed
scale-to: func [mn mx value [number!] "Must be in 0.0 - 1.0 range" /round scale [number!] /local dest-type prev-type] [
value: min max 0.0 to float! value 1.0
dest-type: type? mn
mn: make mn mn ; make a copy
prev-type: type? mn
mn: to-float mn
mx: make mx mx
mx: to-float mx
value: value * (mx - mn) + mn
if scale [
prev-type: type? scale
; if scale < 1 [throw error!]
value: 0.5 * scale + value
value: value - mod value scale
value: to dest-type to prev-type value
sharing: make reactor! [slide: 0 color: 0.0.0]
view [
; NOTE the absence of dereferentiations
title "Color slider reactive demo"
style label: text 40 right middle ;red
style component: text "0" 30 right bold
text "slider and field share data, targets react to shared data" bold font [size: 10]
slider [sharing/slide: to-float face/data]
react [face/data: scale-to 0% 100% sharing/slide]
react [face/text: scale-to/round "0" "255" sharing/slide 1]
field "0.0" right on-change [sharing/slide: face/data / 500]
react [face/data: scale-to/round 0.0 500.0 sharing/slide 0.1]
label "0 - 500" return
react [face/data: scale-to 0% 100% sharing/slide]
base black
react [sharing/color: face/color: 1.0.0 * scale-to 0 255 sharing/slide]
text "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." font [size: 14]
react [face/font/color: sharing/color]
Possible dialect for propagation: (possible name could be "entangle")
entangle R [
textcolor out [to-text face/data] ; using "out" because a conversion is needed ; out [scale 0 255 round 1 integer! string!] sequence of converions face/data is implied
field-num out [...etc...] in [...etc...] ; using also "in" because reaction is bi-directional ; out [float! scale 0 500]
prog ; no need anything else because it is a 1:1 copy
box out [...etc...] then text-quick out [...etc...] ; using "then" because box is chained to text-quick
this block (or dialect) could be inside slider definition but also inside a dedicated "entangling" face.
A bit of smartness could be applied for simple cases to "automatically" do the necessary conversions like
converting number! to string! and vice-versa
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