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Last active November 26, 2017 08:20
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Some useful functions for calculations of dates
Red [
Author: "luce80"
Licence: 'PD
; from
julian-day-number: func [day month year /local a y m] [ ; in Red 0.6.2, integer calcs give integer result so we could remove to-integer(s)
; TBD check params
a: to-integer 14 - month / 12
y: year + 4800 - a
m: 12 * a + month - 3
day + (to-integer 153 * m + 2 / 5) + (365 * y) + (to-integer y / 4) - (to-integer y / 100) + (to-integer y / 400) - 32045
;day + ( 153 * m + 2 / 5) + (365 * y) + ( y / 4) - ( y / 100) + ( y / 400) - 32045
julian-date: func [jdn "julian-day-number" hour minute second] [
jdn + (hour - 12 / 24.0) + (minute / 1440.0) + (second / 86400.0)
weekday: func [day month year] [; 0 is sunday
modulo 1 + julian-day-number day month year 7
yearday: func [day month year] [
(julian-day-number day month year) - (julian-day-number 1 1 year) + 1
date-from-jdn: func ["Returns Gregorian day from JDN" jdn "julian-day-number" /local f e g h D M Y] [
f: jdn + 1401 + ((((4 * jdn + 274277) / 146097) * 3) / 4) - 38
e: 4 * f + 3
g: e // 1461 / 4
h: 5 * g + 2
D: h // 153 / 5 + 1
M: (h / 153 + 2) // 12 + 1
Y: e / 1461 - 4716 + (12 + 2 - M / 12)
reduce [D M Y]
time-from-julian-date: func ["Returns time from (mantissa part of) julian date" jdate /local j h m s] [
j: jdate - to-integer jdate
h: 24 * j + either j < 0.5 [12][-12]
m: 60 * (h - h: to-integer h)
s: to-integer round 60 * (m - m: to-integer m)
reduce [h m s]
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