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Last active January 17, 2023 19:18
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VID anchors for GUI resizing
Red [
title: "VID anchors for GUI resizing"
author: [@hiiamboris @luce80]
date: 17-01-2023
version: 1.1.2
History: [
0.0.0 [01-01-2023 "Started"]
0.0.1 [02-01-2023 "Minimum working version"]
1.0.0 [03-01-2023 "Cleaned up"]
1.0.1 [03-01-2023 "Refactored #resize block check"]
1.1.0 [04-01-2023 "Added `stretchy-update`"]
1.1.1 [06-01-2023 "Improved `stretchy-update`"]
1.1.2 [17-01-2023 "Replaced block! with pair! for params"]
licence: 'PD
Note: {Needs Red 0.6.4 built 26-Nov-2022 or later}
usage: {
view/flags stretchy [
VID face declaration #anchor
panel #anchor [
more faces with #anchors or without them
] 'resize
/no-min => Defined positions and sizes are not the minimums.
Supported anchors are:
- #move-x follow window vertical borders.
- #move-y follow window horizontal borders.
- #move-xy follow window vertical and horizontal borders.
- #resize-x size is scaled to follow window vertical borders.
- #resize-y size is scaled to follow window horizontal borders.
- #resize-xy size is scaled to follow window vertical and horizontal borders.
- #resize <pair> position and size will change according to percentages given in block.
- #move or #resize <pair> position or size will change according to percentages given in pair.
<pair> : a pair!
The numbers indicate percentages, but expressed as integers, of movement or
scaling relative to window changed dimensions.
#move 0x0 #resize 0x0 : no movement and no scaling, the face will stay fixed where it was.
#move 100x0 : same as #move-x.
#resize 0x100 : same as #resize-y.
#resize 50x0 : scale width adding (or removing) 50% of added (or removed) window's size.
IMPORTANT: If you "manually" , using 'loose or other way , change a face's offset or size, then use
the function `stretchy-update` to update the reacting code.
face [object!] "The face that has changed"
facet [word!] "'offset or 'size"
See at bottom of script for a usage example.
Notes: {
This is the Red version of a similar Rebol2 script I did in 2013 but using reactions.
Some parts taken from @hiiamboris elasticity and only slightly modified.
TODO: it would be nice to have some widgets being "attached" to their neighbours to keep their
relative distances so not to have to explicitly set #move- when not necessary
Beware that some style sizes depend also on screen's dpi.
See at bottom of script for a usage example.
system-view-VID-stretchy-ctx: context [
probedo: func [code [block!] /local result][print [mold code mold/only result: reduce code] do :result]
anchors*: [move-x move-y move-xy resize-x resize-y resize-xy]
anchors**: [move resize]
styles: none
groups: none
emit-path: func [
append/only paths a
append/only paths b
append/only paths append to path! 'pane n
; function copied from elastic by @hiiamboris with minor modifications
prep-stretchy: func [ ;-- recursive: enters panel
"Preprocess layout block containing anchors accumulating paths"
layout [block!]
paths [block!]
/local w a b with style n path
n: 0 ; == reset counter
parse layout [
any [
'style set w set-word! (put styles to word! w yes) ;-- a new style declared - consider it too
| 'with set with block! ;-- use provided `with` block instead of overriding it
| ['data | 'extra] opt 'object skip ;-- skip data blocks and words
| set w word! if (styles/:w) ;-- found a new widget
n: n + 1 ; == increment counter
style: w
with: none
) ;-- reset the style and accumulators
| remove [set a issue! if (attempt [find anchors* a: to word! a])] ;-- acceptable anchor found; attempt defends against #608-like issues
(emit-path paths a [] n)
| remove [set a issue! if (attempt [find anchors** a: to word! a]) set p pair!] ;-- acceptable anchor found; attempt defends against #608-like issues
(emit-path paths a p n)
| if (find groups style) set b block!
emit-path paths a: copy [] [] n
prep-stretchy b a ;-- recursively process panels
| skip
layout ;-- chain the result into view or whatever
; templates for reaction rules
reacts: [
;move [ _/offset: max (_/offset) _/parent/size - (_/parent/size) * 100x100 / 100x100 + (_/offset) ]; #move
move-x [offset: max (offset) parent/size - (parent/size) * 100x0 / 100x100 + (offset) ]; #move-x
move-y [offset: max (offset) parent/size - (parent/size) * 0x100 / 100x100 + (offset) ]; #move-y
move-xy [offset: max (offset) parent/size - (parent/size) * 100x100 / 100x100 + (offset) ]; #move-xy
move [offset: max (offset) parent/size - (parent/size) * 100x100 / 100x100 + (offset) ]; #move
resize-x [size: max (size) parent/size - (parent/size) * 100x0 / 100x100 + (size)]
resize-y [size: max (size) parent/size - (parent/size) * 0x100 / 100x100 + (size)]
resize-xy [size: max (size) parent/size - (parent/size) * 100x100 / 100x100 + (size)]
resize [size: max (size) parent/size - (parent/size) * 100x100 / 100x100 + (size)]
rules: none
emit-rule: func [
word [word!]
path [path!]
pair [pair! block!]
/local rule
rule: copy/deep any [reacts/(word) []]
; ?? rule
rule/1: rule/3/1: rule/12/1: append copy path rule/3/1
rule/4: rule/6/1: append copy path rule/4
rule/1: to set-path! rule/1
if pair? pair [rule/8: pair]
if no-min* [remove/part at rule 2 2]
; collect rules and prettify block inserting newlines
append rules '<
append rules rule
append rules '>
new-line find/last/tail rules '< true
new-line find/last rules '> true
emit-reactions: func [
paths [block!]
root [word! path!]
/local word pair path rule
foreach [word pair path] paths [
path: to path! append to block! root to block! path
either block? word [
emit-reactions word path ; recurse
emit-rule word path pair
remove-each item rules [any [item = '< item = '>]] ; clear temporary markers
head rules
path-face: function [
"Returns a face's path"
face [object!]
root [word!] "The face's window id"
block: copy []
p: face
while [p/type <> 'window][
p: p/parent
insert insert block 'pane index? find/same p/pane face
face: p
insert block root
to path! head block
set 'stretchy-get func [
"Retrieve a face's stretchy rule."
face [object!] "The face that has changed"
facet [word!] "'offset or 'size"
if not find [offset size] facet [return none] ; FIXME: better rise an error! ?
; FIXME: support multiple windows (with different rules)
find/only rules to set-path! append path-face face 'win facet
set 'stretchy-update func [
"Update stretchy reactions when a face's offset or size change."
face [object!] "The face that has changed"
facet [word!] "'offset or 'size"
;/keep "Keep current minimums"
/with x [integer! none!] y [integer! none!] "New percentages pair"
/local rule a b p c no-min
if not find [offset size] facet [exit] ; FIXME: better rise an error! ?
; FIXME: support multiple windows (with different rules)
no-min: not to logic! find rules 'max
rule: stretchy-get face facet
if none? rule [exit]
set [a b p c] either no-min [[0 4 6 10]][[3 6 8 12]]
if not any [no-min ] [rule/(a): min rule/(a) get in face facet]
rule/(b): face/parent/size
if x [rule/(p)/1: x]
if y [rule/(p)/2: y]
rule/(c): get in face facet
no-min*: false
win: none
; function derived from elastic by @hiiamboris with minor modifications
; main function
set 'stretchy func [
"Manage VID anchors to provide GUI resizing"
lay [block!] "VID block"
/no-min "Defined positions and sizes are not the minimums."
/no-react "Do not create reactions"
;TBD /react "Re apply reactions"
;TBD /stop "Stop reactions"
/local items
rules: copy []
no-min*: no-min
styles: copy system/view/VID/styles
groups: collect [
foreach [name spec] styles [
if spec/template/type = 'panel [keep to word! name]
lay: prep-stretchy lay items: copy []
; ?? items
win: layout lay
; populate rules with reaction relations
emit-reactions items 'win
append rules [if not system/view/auto-sync? [show win]]
rules: compose rules
unless no-react [
react/later compose/only [
win/size ;@@ main reacting facet !
do (rules)
no-min*: false ; restore
] ; system-view-VID-stretchy-ctx
if any [ = find/last/tail system/options/script "/" ; It's really me ?
system/script/args = "test"] [
;print "" ; open console for debug
system/view/VID/styles/textmin: [template: [type: 'text size: 0x0]] ; nicer default text
win: compose [
title "Stretchy example"
space 4x4
field (400 - 30 - 4 - 2) #resize-x
button 30 "+" #move-x
text-list 400x100 #resize-xy data ["Try to resize the window"]
field 160 #move 0x100 #resize 50x0
textmin "Filter:" #move 50x100
drop-list 110 #move 50x100 data ["All files (*.*)" "Red files (*.red)"] with [selected: 2]
field #move 50x100 #resize 50x0
pad (as-pair 400 - 250 - 12 - 2 / 2 0)
panel #move 25x100 #resize 50x0 gray [
origin 4x4 space 4x4
button 125 "left" #move 0x100 #resize 50x0 ; follow y and stretch half width of parent
button 125 "right" #move 50x100 #resize 50x0
check "Show hidden files" #move-y
pad (as-pair 77 0)
button 150 "Drag me" loose #move-y #resize 75x0
on-drop [stretchy-update face 'offset] ; necessary to update reactions
button 50 "Cancel" #move 75x100 #resize 25x0 [unview]
view/flags stretchy win 'resize
;if system/script/args <> "test" [quit] ; close console qindow
] ; if
] ; do
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