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Last active March 23, 2024 18:53
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Mold the System object
Red [Needs: 'View]
system/script/header: make system/standard/header [ ;@@ workaround for #4992
;system/script/title: ;@@ workaround for #4992 (to be used only in "main" script)
title: "Mold the System object"
author: "Marco Antoniazzi"
History: [
0.1.0 [18-08-2013 "Done"]
0.2.0 [16-04-2016 "Fixed unset values"]
0.3.0 [23-08-2018 "Added 3 dots ..."]
0.4.0 [26-08-2018 "Added checks actions"]
0.5.0 [16-05-2020 "Fixed throw(s) by adding <none>. Added undirize. Added history."]
0.6.0 [19-05-2020 "Red version"]
0.6.1 [24-05-2020 "Fixed Red version function molding"]
0.6.2 [11-07-2020 "Fixed init history"]
0.7.1 [17-07-2022 "Fixed initial tries, added buttons"]
0.7.2 [26-07-2022 "Use padding and a monospace font"]
0.7.3 [11-08-2022 "Use compose/deep/only to let have more depth"]
0.7.4 [15-08-2022 "Renamed help to help-doc to avoid overwriting existing function"]
0.7.5 [25-09-2022 "Minor aesthetic changes"]
0.7.6 [26-09-2022 "Changed resizing from global handler to win actor, changed history navigation method"]
0.7.7 [05-11-2022 "Fixed initial `none` error on some Red versions"]
0.7.8 [10-12-2022 "Changed resizing from win actor to reactions, removed `compose`"]
0.7.9 [15-01-2023 "Fixed resizing with updated size"]
0.7.10 [28-01-2023 "Fixed header initialization (workaround)"]
0.7.11 [28-12-2023 "Updated to new point2D! View"]
0.7.12 [23-03-2024 "Transformed into a Mini_edit_do module"]
Note: {Needs Red 0.6.4 built 09-Aug-2023 or later}
help: {Instructions:
"<-" go back in history
"->" advance in history
"^^" go up one level
"/|:|" add selected set-word! to path
"show" show current path
; import
; this is used for
if system/script/args <> "" [
do system/script/args
system/script/header/type: type
use: func [words [block!] body [block!]][body: has words body body]
could_be: func [:path [set-path!] value][
if :value [set/any path :value]
;focus: func [face [object!]][face/selected: as-pair 1 length? face/text set-focus face]
focus: func [face [object!]][face/selected: 1x1 + length? face/text set-focus face]
mold_obj: func [
obj [string!] dest [object!]
/local tried word line result value
catch [
if empty? obj [throw none]
while [#"/" = last obj] [remove back tail obj] ; undirize
tried: attempt [load obj]
if error? try [set/any 'obj get/any :tried] [result: "unknown" throw none]
if not object? :obj [result: mold :obj throw none]
result: copy "make object! [^/"
line: copy ""
foreach word words-of obj [
line: rejoin [tab pad rejoin [word ":"] 17 tab]
append line either value? in obj word [
switch/default word: type?/word value: get in obj word [
native! op! action! routine! [head remove back tail form word]
function! [rejoin ["make function! [[...] [...]]"]]
object! [either check-ob/data [mold value]["make object! [...]"]]
block! hash! map! vector! [either any [check-bl/data empty? value] [mold value][rejoin ["make " word " [...]"]]]
word! [mold to lit-word! mold value]
][mold value]
append line newline
append result line
append result "]"
focus field-name
dest/text: result
history: copy ["system"]
up: [
history: back history
could_be field-name/text: copy pick history 1
mold_obj field-name/text area-obj
down: [
unless tail? next history [history: next history]
could_be field-name/text: copy pick history 1
mold_obj field-name/text area-obj
sp: 4x4
win: layout [
title "Mold the System object"
origin sp space sp
check-bl: check "Show blocks, hashes, maps, vectors" off [mold_obj field-name/text area-obj]
check-ob: check "Show objects" off [mold_obj field-name/text area-obj]
button "<-" 24 [do up]
button "->" 24 [do down]
button "^^" 24 [
use [path] [
path: to-block attempt [load field-name/text]
if (length? path) > 1 [
field-name/text: mold to-path head remove back tail path
do-actor field-name none 'enter
button "/|:|" 40 [
use [selection] [
if area-obj/selected [
selection: copy/part at area-obj/text area-obj/selected/1 area-obj/selected/2 - area-obj/selected/1 + 1
if set-word? selection: attempt [load selection] [
field-name/text: append append field-name/text "/" form selection
do-actor field-name none 'enter
button "show" 40 [mold_obj field-name/text area-obj]
field-name: field "system" with [size/x: 400 - (24 * 3) - (40 * 2) - (sp/1 + 2 * 5)] ; FIXME: why + 2 ?!
on-key [
case [
event/key = 'up [do up]
event/key = 'down [do down]
[ ; action function
mold_obj face/text area-obj
use [code][
code: copy face/text
clear next history
if (last history) <> code [history: back insert tail history code]
at as-point2D sp/1 + 400 - 24 sp/2
button-?: button "?" 24 bold font-color blue [area-obj/text: system/script/header/help]
area-obj: area 400x400 font-name system/view/fonts/fixed
mold_obj field-name/text area-obj
if system/script/header/type <> "module" [ ; were we started directly?
react compose [
button-?/offset/x: win/size/x - (win/size/x - button-?/offset/x)
field-name/size/x: to-integer win/size/x - (win/size/x - field-name/size/x)
area-obj/size: win/size - (win/size - area-obj/size)
;if not system/view/auto-sync? [show win]
view/flags win 'resize
]; if ourselves
win/pane ; returned from script
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