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Last active October 6, 2020 16:41
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Populate plotly.go.Figure['data']
#1 Assign color to each unique item
from random import sample
colors = {item: 'rgb({}, {}, {})'.format(*sample(range(256), 3)) for item in data['Item'].unique()}
data['color'] = data['Item'].map(colors)
#2 Slice data, select earliest date available
##2.1 Select earliest year available
frame1 = data[data['Year'] == data['Year'].min()]
##2.2 Sort the data by value and get the top 10 entries
top_entries = 10 # modify to get top 5, top 20 or any other
frame1 = frame1.sort_values('Value', ascending = False).iloc[:top_entries, :]
##2.3 Sort values in ascending order so that top bar corresponds to greatest value
frame1 = frame1.sort_values('Value', ascending = True)
#3 Populate data entry in plotly figure with frame1
fig['data'] = go.Bar(
x = frame1['Value'],
y = frame1['Item'],
marker_color = frame1['color'],
hoverinfo = 'all', # display Item name and Value when hovering over bar
textposition = 'outside', # position text outside bar
texttemplate = '%{y}<br>%{x:.4s}', # display y field (Item name), line break and then the value with up to 4 digits
orientation = 'h' # to have bar growing rightwards
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