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Created August 21, 2018 07:09
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Arithmetic Operations (GUI)
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
public class ArithmeticOperations extends JFrame {
* Only 3 Swing Components are required in this activity namely:
* (a) JLabel
* (b) JTextField
* (c) JButton
JLabel lblNum1, lblNum2, lblResult; // JLabels
JTextField txtNum1, txtNum2, txtResult; // JTextFields
JButton btnAdd, btnSub, btnMul, btnDiv, btnMod, btnDef; // JButtons
int num1, num2, result; // integer values for computation purposes
public ArithmeticOperations() {
super("Arithmetic Operations"); // Setting Window Title via Super Constructor
//setTitle("Arithmetic Operations"); // Setting Windows Title via setTitle Method
// Instantiate JLables
lblNum1 = new JLabel("Enter num1: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
lblNum2 = new JLabel("Enter num2: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
lblResult = new JLabel("Result: ", SwingConstants.RIGHT);
// Instantiate JTextFields
txtNum1 = new JTextField("0",10);
txtNum2 = new JTextField("0",10);
txtResult = new JTextField("0",10);
txtResult.setEditable(false); // This makes txtResult uneditable by the user
// Instantiate JButtons
btnAdd = new JButton("+");
btnSub = new JButton("-");
btnMul = new JButton("*");
btnDiv = new JButton("/");
btnMod = new JButton("%");
btnDef = new JButton("Cancel");
* We need a Layout Manager to arrange the JLabels, JTextFields, and JButtons.
* There are around 10 Layout Managers out there but we will use GridLayout.
setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 2)); // Based on the sample JFrame, there are 6 rows and 2 columns
add(lblNum1); //(1,1)
add(txtNum1); //(1,2)
add(lblNum2); //(2,1)
add(txtNum2); //(2,2)
add(btnAdd); //(3,1)
add(btnSub); //(3,2)
add(btnMul); //(4,1)
add(btnDiv); //(4,2)
add(btnMod); //(5,1)
add(btnDef); //(5,2)
add(lblResult); //(6,1)
add(txtResult); //(6,2)
// Add Action Listeners to all the Buttons (via Lambda Expressions)
btnAdd.addActionListener(e -> {
num1 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum1.getText());
num2 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum2.getText());
result = num1 + num2;
btnSub.addActionListener(e -> {
num1 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum1.getText());
num2 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum2.getText());
result = num1 - num2;
btnMul.addActionListener(e -> {
num1 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum1.getText());
num2 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum2.getText());
result = num1 * num2;
btnDiv.addActionListener(e -> {
num1 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum1.getText());
num2 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum2.getText());
result = num1 / num2;
btnMod.addActionListener(e -> {
num1 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum1.getText());
num2 = Integer.parseInt(txtNum2.getText());
result = num1 % num2;
btnDef.addActionListener(e -> System.exit(0));
// Finishing Touches...
setVisible(true); // This is to make JFrame VISIBLE because it is invisible by default
setSize(300, 250); // This is to set the size of the JFrame Window
setResizable(false); // This is to not make the JFrame resizable
setLocationRelativeTo(null); // This is to make the JFrame appear at middle of screen
setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // This is for the [x] button
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ArithmeticOperations();
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