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Created July 24, 2020 18:19
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git utils javascript
const gitLogParser = require('git-log-parser');
const getStream = require('get-stream');
const execa = require('execa');
const {GIT_NOTE_REF} = ""
Object.assign(gitLogParser.fields, {hash: 'H', message: 'B', gitTags: 'd', committerDate: {key: 'ci', type: Date}});
* Get the commit sha for a given tag.
* @param {String} tagName Tag name for which to retrieve the commit sha.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {String} The commit sha of the tag in parameter or `null`.
async function getTagHead(tagName, execaOptions) {
return (await execa('git', ['rev-list', '-1', tagName], execaOptions)).stdout;
* Get all the tags for a given branch.
* @param {String} branch The branch for which to retrieve the tags.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Array<String>} List of git tags.
* @throws {Error} If the `git` command fails.
async function getTags(branch, execaOptions) {
return (await execa('git', ['tag', '--merged', branch], execaOptions)).stdout
.map((tag) => tag.trim())
* Retrieve a range of commits.
* @param {String} from to includes all commits made after this sha (does not include this sha).
* @param {String} to to includes all commits made before this sha (also include this sha).
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Promise<Array<Object>>} The list of commits between `from` and `to`.
async function getCommits(from, to, execaOptions) {
return (
await getStream.array(
{_: `${from ? from + '..' : ''}${to}`},
{cwd: execaOptions.cwd, env: {...process.env, ...execaOptions.env}}
).map(({message, gitTags, ...commit}) => ({...commit, message: message.trim(), gitTags: gitTags.trim()}));
* Get all the repository branches.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Array<String>} List of git branches.
* @throws {Error} If the `git` command fails.
async function getBranches(repositoryUrl, execaOptions) {
return (await execa('git', ['ls-remote', '--heads', repositoryUrl], execaOptions)).stdout
.map((branch) => branch.match(/^.+refs\/heads\/(?<branch>.+)$/)[1]);
* Verify if the `ref` exits
* @param {String} ref The reference to verify.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Boolean} `true` if the reference exists, falsy otherwise.
async function isRefExists(ref, execaOptions) {
try {
return (await execa('git', ['rev-parse', '--verify', ref], execaOptions)).exitCode === 0;
} catch (error) {
* Fetch all the tags from a branch. Unshallow if necessary.
* This will update the local branch from the latest on the remote if:
* - The branch is not the one that triggered the CI
* - The CI created a detached head
* Otherwise it just calls `git fetch` without specifying the `refspec` option to avoid overwritting the head commit set by the CI.
* The goal is to retrieve the informations on all the release branches without "disturbing" the CI, leaving the trigger branch or the detached head intact.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {String} branch The repository branch to fetch.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
async function fetch(repositoryUrl, branch, ciBranch, execaOptions) {
const isDetachedHead =
(await execa('git', ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'], {...execaOptions, reject: false})).stdout === 'HEAD';
try {
await execa(
...(branch === ciBranch && !isDetachedHead
? [repositoryUrl]
: ['--update-head-ok', repositoryUrl, `+refs/heads/${branch}:refs/heads/${branch}`]),
} catch (_) {
await execa(
...(branch === ciBranch && !isDetachedHead
? [repositoryUrl]
: ['--update-head-ok', repositoryUrl, `+refs/heads/${branch}:refs/heads/${branch}`]),
* Unshallow the git repository if necessary and fetch all the notes.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
async function fetchNotes(repositoryUrl, execaOptions) {
try {
await execa(
['fetch', '--unshallow', repositoryUrl, `+refs/notes/${GIT_NOTE_REF}:refs/notes/${GIT_NOTE_REF}`],
} catch (_) {
await execa('git', ['fetch', repositoryUrl, `+refs/notes/${GIT_NOTE_REF}:refs/notes/${GIT_NOTE_REF}`], {
reject: false,
* Get the HEAD sha.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {String} the sha of the HEAD commit.
async function getGitHead(execaOptions) {
return (await execa('git', ['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], execaOptions)).stdout;
* Get the repository remote URL.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {string} The value of the remote git URL.
async function repoUrl(execaOptions) {
try {
return (await execa('git', ['config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'], execaOptions)).stdout;
} catch (error) {
* Test if the current working directory is a Git repository.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Boolean} `true` if the current working directory is in a git repository, falsy otherwise.
async function isGitRepo(execaOptions) {
try {
return (await execa('git', ['rev-parse', '--git-dir'], execaOptions)).exitCode === 0;
} catch (error) {
* Verify the write access authorization to remote repository with push dry-run.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {String} branch The repository branch for which to verify write access.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @throws {Error} if not authorized to push.
async function verifyAuth(repositoryUrl, branch, execaOptions) {
try {
await execa('git', ['push', '--dry-run', '--no-verify', repositoryUrl, `HEAD:${branch}`], execaOptions);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
* Tag the commit head on the local repository.
* @param {String} tagName The name of the tag.
* @param {String} ref The Git reference to tag.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @throws {Error} if the tag creation failed.
async function tag(tagName, ref, execaOptions) {
await execa('git', ['tag', tagName, ref], execaOptions);
* Push to the remote repository.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @throws {Error} if the push failed.
async function push(repositoryUrl, execaOptions) {
await execa('git', ['push', '--tags', repositoryUrl], execaOptions);
* Push notes to the remote repository.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @throws {Error} if the push failed.
async function pushNotes(repositoryUrl, execaOptions) {
await execa('git', ['push', repositoryUrl, `refs/notes/${GIT_NOTE_REF}`], execaOptions);
* Verify a tag name is a valid Git reference.
* @param {String} tagName the tag name to verify.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Boolean} `true` if valid, falsy otherwise.
async function verifyTagName(tagName, execaOptions) {
try {
return (await execa('git', ['check-ref-format', `refs/tags/${tagName}`], execaOptions)).exitCode === 0;
} catch (error) {
* Verify a branch name is a valid Git reference.
* @param {String} branch the branch name to verify.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Boolean} `true` if valid, falsy otherwise.
async function verifyBranchName(branch, execaOptions) {
try {
return (await execa('git', ['check-ref-format', `refs/heads/${branch}`], execaOptions)).exitCode === 0;
} catch (error) {
* Verify the local branch is up to date with the remote one.
* @param {String} repositoryUrl The remote repository URL.
* @param {String} branch The repository branch for which to verify status.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Boolean} `true` is the HEAD of the current local branch is the same as the HEAD of the remote branch, falsy otherwise.
async function isBranchUpToDate(repositoryUrl, branch, execaOptions) {
return (
(await getGitHead(execaOptions)) ===
(await execa('git', ['ls-remote', '--heads', repositoryUrl, branch], execaOptions)).stdout.match(/^(?<ref>\w+)?/)[1]
* Get and parse the JSON note of a given reference.
* @param {String} ref The Git reference for which to retrieve the note.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
* @return {Object} the parsed JSON note if there is one, an empty object otherwise.
async function getNote(ref, execaOptions) {
try {
return JSON.parse((await execa('git', ['notes', '--ref', GIT_NOTE_REF, 'show', ref], execaOptions)).stdout);
} catch (error) {
if (error.exitCode === 1) {
return {};
throw error;
* Get and parse the JSON note of a given reference.
* @param {Object} note The object to save in the reference note.
* @param {String} ref The Git reference to add the note to.
* @param {Object} [execaOpts] Options to pass to `execa`.
async function addNote(note, ref, execaOptions) {
await execa('git', ['notes', '--ref', GIT_NOTE_REF, 'add', '-f', '-m', JSON.stringify(note), ref], execaOptions);
module.exports = {
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