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Created June 26, 2024 15:37
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func kMeans(image: CGImage, limit: Int = 10, iterations: Int = 5, perceptual: Bool = true) -> [CGColor] {
let ciImage = CIImage(cgImage: image)
let space = image.colorSpace!
// kMeans filter returns the dominant colours within an image
let filter = CIFilter.kMeans()
filter.inputImage = ciImage
filter.count = limit
filter.passes = Float(iterations) // why is this a float lol
filter.perceptual = perceptual
let ciResult = filter.outputImage!
// use a CIContext to render these to a CGImage, which can then be turned into bytes
let context = CIContext()
let cgResult = context.createCGImage(
ciResult, from: ciResult.extent, format: .RGBAf,
colorSpace: space),
let data = cgResult.dataProvider?.data,
let bytes = CFDataGetBytePtr(data)
else {
return []
// walk through pixels and convert them to colours
let bytesPerPixel = cgResult.bitsPerPixel / 8
var colors: [CGColor] = []
// we only have 1 row of pixels so we need not walk through y
for x in 0..<cgResult.width {
let offset = (x + 0) * bytesPerPixel
let raw = UnsafeRawPointer(bytes)
// Jesus Christ
let buffer = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: raw.advanced(by: offset).assumingMemoryBound(to: Float.self),
count: 4)
let cgFloats = { CGFloat($0) }
// alpha in these results denotes the weight of the cluster, so if we want to use these colours, it must be set to 1
let color = CGColor(colorSpace: space,
components: cgFloats)!.copy(alpha: 1.0)!
// avoid adding dupes
if !colors.contains(color) {
return colors
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