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Last active March 19, 2023 09:37
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Prevent NVIDIA GPUs' throttling on headless server

Prevent NVIDIA GPUs' throttling on headless server

  • Unlock manual fan & overclock settings
    sudo nvidia-xconfig -a --cool-bits=28 --allow-empty-initial-configuration
  • Reboot system
  • Create script /usr/local/bin/

export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/:0

setFanSpeed() {
        eval "nvidia-settings -a [gpu:$2]/GPUFanControlState=1 -a [fan:$2]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=$1" > /dev/null
        echo "Updating fans speed to $1 on GPU $2"

cleanup() {
        eval "nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=0"
        eval "nvidia-settings -a [gpu:1]/GPUFanControlState=0"

declare -i gpuTemp

# Set cleanup function (clean up and exit when interrupted)
trap cleanup 1 2 3 15 20

        #echo "Checking GPU $1"
        gpuTemp=$(nvidia-settings -q gpucoretemp | grep '^  Attribute' | grep "gpu:$1" | \
                head -n 1 | perl -pe 's/^.*?(\d+)\.\s*$/\1/;')
        echo "Current GPU $1 temperature: $gpuTemp"

        # Set GPU fan speed
        if   [ $gpuTemp -ge 80 ]; then
                setFanSpeed 100 $1
        elif [ $gpuTemp -ge 75 ]; then
                setFanSpeed 90 $1
        elif [ $gpuTemp -ge 70 ]; then
                setFanSpeed 75 $1
        elif [ $gpuTemp -ge 65 ]; then
                setFanSpeed 60 $1
        elif [ $gpuTemp -ge 60 ]; then
                setFanSpeed 50 $1
                setFanSpeed 40 $1


while : # Loop
        checkGpu 0
        checkGpu 1
        #checkGpu 2
        #checkGpu 3
        # Interval
        sleep 5
  • Make our script executable
    chmod 744 /usr/local/bin/

  • Create file /etc/systemd/system/gpu-fan-control.service

Description=Prevent GPU throttling under load


  • Make properly rights for service file
    chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/gpu-fan-control.service

  • Activate our service (now it will run on startup)
    systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/gpu-fan-control.service

  • Check service if needed (After that fans must run with 40% speed)
    systemctl start gpu-fan-control.service

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Randl commented Dec 25, 2018


  1. To check what to put in XAUTHORITY run ps a |grep X (see )
  2. Current Ubuntu uses Wayland for which this doesn't work. The solution is to force gdm to use X (see )
  3. Note that GPU can have more than one fan, check with nvidia-settings -q fans:
setFanSpeed() {
        let f1=$2*2
        let f2=$2*2+1
        eval "nvidia-settings -a [gpu:$2]/GPUFanControlState=1 -a [fan:$f1]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=$1" > /dev/null
        eval "nvidia-settings -a [gpu:$2]/GPUFanControlState=1 -a [fan:$f2]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=$1" > /dev/null
        echo "Updating fans ($f1, $f2) speed to $1 on GPU $2"
  1. For me the service worked only when run as root, i.e., after adding User=root under [Service]

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