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Last active September 18, 2015 14:26
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Save lucien144/488c2843824ba092dbd5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Packaging Adobe Air app for iOS
$appName = 'FILENAME';
$adt = '/Applications/AIRSDK_Compiler/18/bin/adt';
$target = 'ipa-app-store';
$connect = '';
$descriptor = 'application-testflight.xml';
$cert = './cert/iOS/CERT.p12';
$content = 'bin';
$lib = './lib';
$certPasshprase = '*****';
$provisioning = './cert/iOS/CERT.mobileprovision';
$sdk = '/Applications/';
$shortopts = "";
$shortopts .= "h"; // Help
$shortopts .= "d"; // Compile as debug?
$shortopts .= "c::"; // Demo, no value
$shortopts .= "v:"; // Build with a specific version code?
$shortopts .= "p:"; // Change provisioning progile?
$options = getopt($shortopts);
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case "h":
echo "Usage: php run.php [options]\n";
echo " -c<content dir>\tDirectory with content. Default is: bin.\n";
echo " -v<number>\t\tReset the descriptors version number.\n";
echo " -p<filename>\t\tThe new name of provisioning profile without the '.mobileprovision' extension.\n";
echo " -d\t\t\tBuild as debug.\n";
echo " -h\t\t\tThis help.\n";
case 'c':
if (is_dir(__DIR__ . '/' . $value)) {
$content = $value;
echo "-> The content folder set to directory {$content}.\n";
} else {
echo "-> The content folder {$value} not exists. Set to default directory {$content}.\n";
case 'd':
$target = 'ipa-debug';
$connect = '-connect';
echo "-> DEBUG package...\n";
case 'v':
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)$/', $value)) {
$newVersion = $value;
echo "-> Setting the version number manualy to: {$value}.\n";
} else {
echo "-> Wrong version number. Increasing the descriptor's version by +1.\n";
case 'p':
if (is_file(__DIR__ . "/cert/iOS/{$value}.mobileprovision")) {
$provisioning = "./cert/iOS/{$value}.mobileprovision";
echo "-> Setting the provisioning profile manually to: {$provisioning}.\n";
} else {
echo "-> Wrong provisioning profile. Using default: {$provisioning}.\n";
* Getting the version
$desc = file_get_contents("{$content}/{$descriptor}");
preg_match('/<versionNumber>([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)<\/versionNumber>/', $desc, $matches);
if (!isset($newVersion)) {
$newVersion = "<versionNumber>{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.". ($matches[3] + 1) ."</versionNumber>";
} else {
$newVersion = "<versionNumber>{$newVersion}</versionNumber>";
$desc = preg_replace('/(<versionNumber>([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)<\/versionNumber>)/', $newVersion, $desc);
file_put_contents("{$content}/{$descriptor}", $desc);
preg_match('/<id>(.*)<\/id>/', $desc, $idMatches);
$appId = $idMatches[1];
$ipa = "{$appId}_{$target}_{$matches[1]}.{$matches[2]}.". ($matches[3] + 1) .".ipa";
echo passthru("{$adt} -package -target {$target} {$connect} -storetype pkcs12 -keystore {$cert} -storepass {$certPasshprase} -provisioning-profile {$provisioning} ${ipa} {$content}/{$descriptor} -C {$content} . -extdir {$lib} -platformsdk {$sdk}");
exec('rm -fR ./*.tmp');
exec('rm -fR ./*.dSYM');
#! /usr/local/bin/php
* The IPA filename
$ipa = 'bundleid.ipa';
* The APP filename in /Payload directory
$filename = '';
* Certificate name as you have it
$certificateName = 'Distribution: Company';
exec("unzip {$ipa}");
exec("rm -r \"Payload/{$filename}/_CodeSignature\" \"Payload/{$filename}/CodeResources\" 2> /dev/null | true");
$plist = file_get_contents("Payload/{$filename}/Info.plist");
preg_match("/<key>UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities([\s\S]*?)<\/array>/i", $plist, $matches);
$plist = str_replace($matches[0], "", $plist);
file_put_contents("Payload/{$filename}/Info.plist", $plist);
exec("/usr/bin/codesign -f -s \"{$certificateName}\" \"Payload/{$filename}\"");
exec("ln -s _CodeSignature/CodeResources CodeResources");
exec("zip --symlinks -qr \"{$ipa}-resigned.ipa\" Payload");
exec("rm -fR Payload");
#! /usr/local/bin/php
$adl = '/Applications/AIRSDK_Compiler/18/bin/adl';
$descriptor = 'application-run.xml';
$screen = 'SamsungGalaxyS';
$screens = 'iPhone|iPhoneRetina|iPhone5Retina|iPhone6|iPhone6Plus|iPod|iPodRetina|iPod5Retina|iPad|iPadRetina|Droid|NexusOne|SamsungGalaxyS|SamsungGalaxyTab|QVGA|WQVGA|FWQVGA|HVGA|WVGA|FWVGA|1080|720|480';
$content = 'bin';
$shortopts = "";
$shortopts .= "h"; // Help
$shortopts .= "s::"; // Screen, optional value
$shortopts .= "c::"; // Demo, no value
$options = getopt($shortopts);
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
switch ($key) {
case "h":
echo "Usage: php run.php [options]\n";
echo " -s<screen>\t\tScreen name. Default is: SamsungGalaxyS\n";
echo " -c<content dir>\tDirectory with content. Default is: bin.\n";
echo " -h\t\t\tThis help.\n";
case 's':
$screens = explode("|", $screens);
if (in_array($value, $screens)) {
$screen = $value;
echo "-> Screen set to {$screen}.\n";
} else {
echo "-> Unknown screen {$value}. Set to default {$screen}.\n";
case 'c':
if (is_dir(__DIR__ . '/' . $value)) {
$content = $value;
echo "-> The content folder set to directory {$content}.\n";
} else {
echo "-> The content folder {$value} not exists. Set to default directory {$content}.\n";
echo passthru("$adl -screensize $screen -nodebug {$content}/{$descriptor} {$content}");
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