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Given a folder that contains some zip files, this script lists the files within the zipped files that contain a specific string.
### What is this script ? ###
# Given a folder that contains some zip files, this script lists the files
# within the zipped files that contain a specific string.
# Example behavior (if you run the script with the example values) :
# This script will search for files that have the following characteristics :
# - ".csv" files contained within a zip, in a the folder
# "C:\Users\lulu\Downloads\tmp\dev" or its subfolders
# - The file must contain the string "foo"
# - The script will return 2 files or less
### How to use this script ? ###
# 0) !!! tested only on Windows 10 !!!
# 1) download this powershell script
# 2) open this script in a editor (ex: NotePad++)
# 3) change the parameters (listed below) and save
# 4) open a Powershell terminal
# 5) within the terminal, execute the script
# Where are the zip you need to read?
# Example: "C:\Users\lulu\Downloads\tmp\dev"
$folder = "C:\Users\lulu\Downloads\tmp\dev"
# What type of files inside the zip do you need to read?
# Example: "\.csv$" -> anything that ends with ".csv"
$filesTypesRegex = "\.csv$"
# What is the string you are looking for in the files ?
# Example : "foo" -> files that contain "foo"
$stringToSearch = "foo"
# How many files do you need ?
# Example : 2 -> 2 files ; $null -> no limit
$numberOfFilesToGet = 2
Add-Type -assembly ""
$filesFound = 0
# For each zip in the designated folder and its subfolders
Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -Filter *.zip -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
# Alternative to line 39: 'the zip name must contain "202105"':
# Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -Filter *.zip -Recurse | Where-Object{$_ -match ".*202105.*"} | ForEach-Object {
$zippedFile = $_.fullName
# Open the zip file to access its content
$zip = [io.compression.zipfile]::OpenRead($zippedFile)
# For each file within the zip
$files = $zip.Entries | where-object { $_.Name -Match $filesTypesRegex}
$files | ForEach-Object {
# Open the file, and search for the string
$stream = $_.Open()
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($stream)
$text = $reader.ReadToEnd()
if ($text.Contains($stringToSearch)) {
$filesFound += 1
Write-Host "Match:"$zippedFile"\"$_
if($numberOfFilesToGet -eq $filesFound){
Write-Host 'Search: done.' $numberOfFilesToGet 'files found.'
Exit(0) #Stop searching
Write-Host 'Search: done.' $filesFound 'files found.'
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