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Last active March 27, 2017 17:16
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Save luciferous/bcf67216f21cc2bac3b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Too Cool for Spool
package com.twitter.concurrent
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Future}
* Value class to wrap the Cons cell.
protected case class Cons[A](tuple: (A, AsyncStream[A])) extends AnyVal {
def head: A = tuple._1
def tail: AsyncStream[A] = tuple._2
* AsyncStream is an asynchronous stream.
final class AsyncStream[A] private (go: => Future[Option[Cons[A]]]) {
protected def cons: Future[Option[Cons[A]]] = go
@inline final def fold[B](f: Cons[A] => AsyncStream[B]): AsyncStream[B] = AsyncStream(
cons.flatMap {
case None => Future.None
case Some(cons) => f(cons).cons
def flatMap[B](f: A => AsyncStream[B]): AsyncStream[B] = fold { cons =>
f(cons.head) ++ cons.tail.flatMap(f)
def map[B](f: A => B): AsyncStream[B] = fold { cons =>
f(cons.head) *::
def filter(f: A => Boolean): AsyncStream[A] = fold {
case cons if f(cons.head) => cons.head *:: cons.tail.filter(f)
case cons => cons.tail.filter(f)
def withFilter(f: A => Boolean): AsyncStream[A] = filter(f)
def ++(that: => AsyncStream[A]): AsyncStream[A] = AsyncStream(
cons.flatMap {
case None => that.cons
case Some(cons) => (cons.head *:: (cons.tail ++ that)).cons
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): Future[B] =
cons.flatMap {
case None => Future.value(z)
case Some(cons) => cons.tail.foldLeft(f(z, cons.head))(f)
def foldLeftF[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => Future[B]): Future[B] =
cons.flatMap {
case None => Future.value(z)
case Some(cons) => f(z, cons.head).flatMap(cons.tail.foldLeftF(_)(f))
def mapF[B](f: A => Future[B]): AsyncStream[B] = AsyncStream(
cons.flatMap {
case None => Future.None
case Some(cons) => f(cons.head).flatMap(b => (b *:: cons.tail.mapF(f)).cons)
def *::(a: A): AsyncStream[A] = AsyncStream(
Future.value(Some(new Cons(a, this)))
def force: Future[Option[(A, AsyncStream[A])]] =
def toSeq: Seq[A] = toStream
def toStream: Stream[A] =
Await.result(cons) match {
case None => Stream.empty
case Some(cons) => cons.head #:: cons.tail.toStream
object AsyncStream {
def empty[A]: AsyncStream[A] = AsyncStream(Future.None)
def apply[A](go: => Future[Option[Cons[A]]]): AsyncStream[A] = new AsyncStream(go)
def unfold[A, B](z: B)(f: B => Option[(A, B)]): AsyncStream[A] =
f(z) match {
case None => AsyncStream.empty
case Some((a, b)) => a *:: unfold(b)(f)
def unfoldF[A, B](z: B)(f: B => Future[Option[(A, B)]]): AsyncStream[A] = AsyncStream(
f(z).flatMap {
case None => Future.None
case Some((a, b)) => (a *:: unfoldF(b)(f)).cons
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Can we make this explicit in the docs? I used Spool and just found AsyncStream. Would love at least a reference that AsyncStream is generally easier to use and is the path forward

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