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Created November 5, 2020 23:16
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Javascript function to generate SVG gradient <defs> object
Dependent on d3.js.
const svgGradientDefs = (color_array, gradient_id) => {
if (color_array.length < 2)
throw new Error("Argument should be array of two or more colors.")
var pctStep = 100 / (color_array.length - 1),
stops =, i) => ({ offset: i * pctStep, color: d }));
const gradient = d3.create("svg"),
defs = gradient.append("defs");
.attr("id", gradient_id ? gradient_id : "gradient")
.attr("offset", d => d.offset + '%')
.attr("stop-color", d => d.color);
return gradient.node();
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