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Created September 30, 2020 21:03
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function RunARGquery {
param (
$fullResultSet = @()
$pageSize = 5000
# Subscription batching code below taken
# from
# Create a counter, set the batch size, and prepare a variable for the results
$counter = [PSCustomObject] @{ Value = 0 }
$batchSize = 1000
# Group the subscriptions into batches
$subscriptionsBatch = $subscriptionIds | Group -Property { [math]::Floor($counter.Value++ / $batchSize) }
$currentBatchNo = 0
# Run the query for each batch
foreach ($batch in $subscriptionsBatch) {
$pagesProcessedSoFar = 0
do {
$results = @()
if($pagesProcessedSoFar -eq 0) {
$results = Search-AzGraph -Subscription $batch.Group -Query $ARG_query -First $pageSize
else {
$results = Search-AzGraph -Subscription $batch.Group -Query $ARG_query -First $pageSize -Skip ($pagesProcessedSoFar * $pageSize)
Write-Host "Processed $pagesProcessedSoFar pages so far. A number of $(($results | Measure-Object).count) results returned in the last page"
$fullResultSet += $results
} while(($results | Measure-Object).count -eq $pageSize)
Write-Host "Finished subscription batch $currentBatchNo"
return $fullResultSet
# Get the date/time now, for timestamping both output files
$currentDateTime = Get-Date -Uformat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
Write-Host "Getting list of Azure subscriptions..."
# Fetch the full array of subscription IDs
$subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
$subscriptionIds = $subscriptions.Id
Write-Host "Found $(($subscriptionIds | Measure-Object).count) subscriptions"
# ARG query from Listing 23
$ARM_ARG_query = @"
| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project id, vmId = tolower(tostring(id)), vmName = name
| join (Resources
| where type =~ ''
| mv-expand ipconfig=properties.ipConfigurations
| project vmId = tolower(tostring(, privateIp =, publicIpId = tostring(
| join kind=leftouter (Resources
| where type =~ ''
| project publicIpId = id, publicIp = properties.ipAddress
) on publicIpId
| project-away publicIpId, publicIpId1
| summarize privateIps = make_list(privateIp), publicIps = make_list(publicIp) by vmId
) on vmId
| project-away vmId, vmId1
| sort by vmName asc
Write-Host "Running ARM ARG query..."
RunARGquery -SubscriptionIds $subscriptionIds -ARG_query $ARM_ARG_query `
| Select-Object -ExcludeProperty ResourceId `
| Sort-Object -Property vmName `
| Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "AzureVMs_$currentDateTime.csv"
# ARG query from Listing 21
$ASM_ARG_query = @"
| where type =~ 'microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines'
| project id, name, privateIp = properties.instanceView.privateIpAddress
| join kind=leftouter (Resources
| where type =~ 'microsoft.classiccompute/virtualmachines'
| mv-expand publicIp=properties.instanceView.publicIpAddresses
| summarize publicIps = make_list(publicIp) by id
) on id
| project-away id1
| sort by name asc
Write-Host "Running ASM ARG query..."
RunARGquery -SubscriptionIds $subscriptionIds -ARG_query $ASM_ARG_query `
| Select-Object -ExcludeProperty ResourceId `
| Sort-Object -Property name `
| Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "AzureClassicVMs_$currentDateTime.csv"
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