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Last active October 3, 2022 20:54
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  • Save luckman212/bbd78a67a9f63ae6b9c096e490153517 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save luckman212/bbd78a67a9f63ae6b9c096e490153517 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
wgfix 1.0 (deprecated: use v2.0, see
# put the line below at the end of /etc/rc.gatway_alarm, just above the final `exit`:
# /root/ "${GW}" "${alarm_flag}"
# set the 2 variables below to match the interface name and public key
# of the wg tunnel that you want to "fail back" when your default gateway changes
# WG_PEER_PUBLIC_KEY should be the public key from the FAR side (i.e the one from the PEERS tab)
die() {
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "done"
exit $1
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "$0 called, args: $1 $2"
# the point of this script is "fail back" so we only care about "WAN up" events
if [ "$2" != "0" ]; then
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "ignoring WAN down event"
die 0
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "WAN UP: $1"
/usr/local/bin/wg showconf $WG_IFNAME |
/usr/bin/awk -v PK="$WG_PEER_PUBLIC_KEY" '
BEGIN {FS=" = "}
($1 == "PublicKey" && $2 == PK) {f=1}
/^Endpoint/ && f {e=$2}
/^$/ {f=""}
END {if(e) {print e}}' >/tmp/${WG_IFNAME}_endpoint
IFS=: read -r IP PORT </tmp/${WG_IFNAME}_endpoint
if [ -n "$IP" ] && [ -n "$PORT" ]; then
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "WG endpoint: $IP:$PORT"
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "pausing 10s to allow gateway change to occur"
/bin/sleep 10
DEF_GW=$(/sbin/route -n get "$IP" | /usr/bin/awk '/interface:/ {print $2; exit;}')
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "Default gateway iface: $DEF_GW"
BAD_STATES=$(/sbin/pfctl -vvss | /usr/bin/grep "$IP:$PORT" | /usr/bin/grep -v "$DEF_GW" | wc -l)
if [ "$BAD_STATES" -gt 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "found $BAD_STATES bad states; bouncing wg service"
/usr/local/bin/php_wg -f /usr/local/pkg/wireguard/includes/ stop
/sbin/pfctl -vvss |
/usr/bin/grep -A2 "$IP:$PORT" |
/usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {OFS="/"} /id:/ {print $2,$4}' |
while read -r STATE; do
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "killing state $STATE"
/sbin/pfctl -k id -k "$STATE"
/usr/local/bin/php_wg -f /usr/local/pkg/wireguard/includes/ start
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "no bad states found"
/usr/bin/logger -t wgfix "WG endpoint could not be determined"
die 0
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I rewrote a portion of this to make it easier to install and no longer requires manually editing the file, pasting in public keys etc.


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