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Last active September 17, 2018 19:53
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package com.github.donotspampls.velocityutils.commands;
import com.velocitypowered.api.command.Command;
import com.velocitypowered.api.command.CommandSource;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.Player;
import com.velocitypowered.api.proxy.ProxyServer;
import net.kyori.text.TextComponent;
import net.kyori.text.format.TextColor;
import net.kyori.text.serializer.ComponentSerializers;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
public class AlertCommand implements Command {
private final ProxyServer server;
public AlertCommand(ProxyServer server) {
this.server = server;
public void execute(@Nonnull CommandSource source, @Nonnull String[] args) {
if (source.hasPermission("velocityutils.alert")) {
if (args.length == 0) {
source.sendMessage(TextComponent.builder("You must supply a message.").color(TextColor.RED).build());
} else {
String message = "&8[&4Alert&8] &r" +" "));
TextComponent component = ComponentSerializers.LEGACY.deserialize(message, '&');
Collection<Player> players = server.getAllPlayers();
for (Player p : players) {
} else {
source.sendMessage(TextComponent.builder("You do not have permission to execute this command!").color(TextColor.RED).build());
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