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Last active April 28, 2018 02:41
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Epub extractor for Android application "Safari To Go" data files
bookid=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -regextype sed -regex ".*/[0-9]\+" | tr -d './')
echo "Fix the font's URL of ${bookid}..."
sed -i -e 's#\/getfile#http:\/\/\/getfile#g' publisher-style.css
echo "Download the fonts for ${bookid}..."
mkdir -p fonts
mkdir -p css
rm jquery.js
for i in $(sed -ne 's#.*\(http[^"]*\).*);#\1#p' publisher-style.css | tr -d '\r')
wget -d ${i} -O fonts/${i##*/} | tr -d '\r'
mv publisher-style.css css/style.css
echo "Rename _xhtml and _html in ${bookid}..."
find . -name "*_xhtml" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%_xhtml}_xhtml.xhtml"' _ {} \;
find . -name "*_html" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%_html}_html.html"' _ {} \;
# Below is for cases where filename contains index after '(x)html_', e.g.:
# idparadest_42_html
# idparadest_42_html_2
# ...
find . -name "*html_[[:digit:]]" -print -exec mv {} {}.html \;
find . -name "*html_[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]" -print -exec mv {} {}.html \;
find . -name "*html_[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]" -print -exec mv {} {}.html \;
find . -name "*xhtml_[[:digit:]]" -print -exec mv {} {}.xhtml \;
find . -name "*xhtml_[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]" -print -exec mv {} {}.xhtml \;
find . -name "*xhtml_[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]" -print -exec mv {} {}.xhtml \;
echo "Remove javascript from (x)html files..."
# This:
# <a href="javascript:___MoveTo('9781457191435/07_foreword_1_xhtml','')" data-ajax="1">
# or
# <a href="javascript:___MoveTo('9780134771922/ch11_xhtml','ch11')" data-ajax="1">
# Will need to become:
# <a href="07_foreword_1_xhtml">
sed -i -e "s#javascript:___MoveTo('${bookid}/##g" ${bookid}/*.*html
sed -i -e "s#','.*')\"#\"#g" ${bookid}/*.*html
sed -i -e "s# data-ajax=\"1\"##g" ${bookid}/*.*html
echo "Beautify XML metadata of ${bookid}..."
#sudo yum install -y libxml2
xmllint --format metadata > metadata.xml
mv metadata.xml metadata.opf
rm -f metadata
echo "Create cover page"
cat <<'EOF' >> cover.xhtml
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<style type="text/css"> img { max-width: 100%; } </style>
<div id="cover-image">
<img src="cover.jpg" alt="Cover"/>
echo "Construction of spine.xml"
echo cat '//book/safarimeta/spine' | xmllint --shell metadata.opf > spine.xml
sed -i -e "s#<spine>#<manifest>#g" spine.xml
sed -i -e "s#</spine>#</manifest>#g" spine.xml
sed -i -e "s#<itemref xmlid=#<item href=#g" spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#index="#id="id#g' spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#/># media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>#g' spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#id="id0"#id="id"#g' spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#/ > -------##g' spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#<manifest># <item href="toc.ncx" id="ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>#g' spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#</manifest>##g' spine.xml
sed -i -e 's#/ >##g' spine.xml
echo "Done!"
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