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Last active April 4, 2023 05:35
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// TODO: Although I'm not sure it'll be useful
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} else {
result.rmSettings = JSON.parse(result.rmSettings);
console.log('Minimal Reading Mode: Loaded (sync)');
var readingModeLoadSettings = function(rmSettings){
// toggle-fullscreen
// rmSettings.fullScreen ? d.exitFullscreen() : d.documentElement.requestFullscreen();
// toggle-media
if (rmSettings.toggleMedia) { d.body.classList.add('readingmode-images'); }
// family
if ( { d.body.classList.add('readingmode-family-' +; }
// theme
if (rmSettings.theme) { d.body.classList.add('readingmode-theme-' + rmSettings.theme); }
// width = rmSettings.width;
// font-size = rmSettings.fontSize;
// line
if (rmSettings.line) { d.body.classList.add('readingmode-line-' + rmSettings.line); }
// letter
if (rmSettings.letter) { d.body.classList.add('readingmode-letter-' + rmSettings.letter); }
console.log('Minimal Reading Mode: Loaded!', rmSettings);
var isChrome = function () {
return !!chrome;
/* Auto-scroll to main heading */
if (window.pageYOffset < 100 && !!d.querySelector("h1")){
window.scrollTo(0, d.querySelector("h1").offsetTop);
}, 200);
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Hello, amazing bookmarklet, thank yu very much ! how can we use this bookmarklet please? chromium removed the reader mode from its flags so a bookmarklet becomes necessary

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