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Last active July 17, 2024 03:34
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AFAICT As far as I can tell 个人认为
AFAIK As far as I know 据我了解
AFAIU As far as I understand 按我理解
BTW By the way 顺便
FWIW For what it's worth 陈述见解或建议的谦逊说法,比如我觉得这是有用的信息,但是从听者的角度未必也是
FYI For your information 供您参考
HTH Hope this helps 希望奏效
IDK I don't know 我不知道
IIRC If I recall correctly / If I remember correctly 如果我没有记错
IMHO In my humble opinion 在下愚见
IMO In my opinion 依我之见
LGTM Looks good to me 我看不错
OOC Out of curiosity 出于好奇
OOO Out of office 休息/放假
TBH To be honest 老实讲
WFM Work for me 对我来说可以
WRT With regard to 关于
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