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Last active January 15, 2021 14:36
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import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import cats.implicits._
object MockedProgram extends IOApp {
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
// val a1 = for {
// s <- EitherT.right(IO(1))
// // b <- EitherT.
// } yield s
type Lists = (List[Either[String, Deal]], List[Either[String, TrackRelease]], List[Either[String, Release]])
val res = for {
(dealsEithers, trsEither, releasesEithers) <-
EitherT.right[String]((IO(readDeals), IO(readTrackReleases), IO(readReleases)).parTupled) // run the in parallel
(dErrors, deals) = splitErrosAndValues(dealsEithers)
_ = println(s"dErrors: $dErrors - deals: $deals")
(trErrors, trs) = splitErrosAndValues(trsEither)
_ = println(s"trErrors: $trErrors - trs: $trs")
(rErrors, releases) = splitErrosAndValues(releasesEithers)
_ = println(s"rErrors: $rErrors - releases: $releases")
_ <- EitherT(writeData(deals, trs, releases))
// list <- EitherT.rightT[IO, String]((IO(readDeals), IO(readTrackReleases), IO(readReleases)))
// a: IO[Lists] = list.parTupled
// b <- EitherT.right(a)
// c = b
// _ =
// (dErrors, deals) = splitErrosAndValues(b)
// e <- EitherT.rightT(1)
// (dealsEithers, trsEither, releasesEithers) <- // EitherT((IO(readDeals), IO(readTrackReleases), IO(readReleases)).parTupled)
// (dErrors, deals) = splitErrosAndValues(dealsEithers)
// _ <- IO(println(s"dErrors: $dErrors - deals: $deals"))
// (trErrors, trs) = splitErrosAndValues(trsEither)
// _ = println(s"trErrors: $trErrors - trs: $trs")
// (rErrors, releases) = splitErrosAndValues(releasesEithers)
// _ = println(s"rErrors: $rErrors - releases: $releases")
// _ <- writeData(deals, trs, releases)
} yield ()
res.value.flatMap(_ match {
case Left(value) => IO(println(s"Error!! $value")).map(_ => ExitCode.Success)
case Right(value) => IO(println("good!")).map(_ => ExitCode.Error)
//res *> IO(ExitCode.Success)
// IO(ExitCode.Success)
case class Deal(id: Int)
case class TrackRelease(id: Int)
case class Release(id: Int)
private def writeData(ld: List[Deal], lTr: List[TrackRelease], lR: List[Release]): IO[Either[String, Unit]] = {
val writes = List(IO(write("deals", ld)), IO(write("trackReleases", lTr)), IO(write("Releases", lR))).parSequence
private def write[T](name: String, l: List[T]): Either[String, Unit] =
Right(println(s"Saving list $name"))
//if (name == "Releases") Left("Ops!") else Right(println(s"Saving list $name"))
private def splitErrosAndValues[T](l: List[Either[String, T]]): (List[String], List[T]) = {
private def readDeals: List[Either[String, Deal]] = List(
Left("Error deal 2"),
private def readTrackReleases: List[Either[String, TrackRelease]] = List(
Left("Error 3")
private def readReleases: List[Either[String, Release]] = List(
Left("Error 1"),
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