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Created September 28, 2013 12:11
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Assignment 3
'''A board is a list of list of str. For example, the board
is represented as the list
[['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']]
A word list is a list of str. For example, the list of words
is represented as the list
['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO']
def is_valid_word(wordlist, word):
''' (list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if word is an element of wordlist.
>>> is_valid_word(['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'], 'TO')
if word in wordlist:
return True
return False
def make_str_from_row(board, row_index):
''' (list of list of str, int) -> str
Return the characters from the row of the board with index row_index
as a single string.
>>> make_str_from_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 0)
row = board[row_index]
result_word = ''
for char in row:
result_word = result_word + char
return result_word
def make_str_from_column(board, column_index):
''' (list of list of str, int) -> str
Return the characters from the column of the board with index column_index
as a single string.
>>> make_str_from_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 1)
r_word = ''
for i in board:
r_word = r_word + i[column_index]
return r_word
def board_contains_word_in_row(board, word):
''' (list of list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if one or more of the rows of the board contains
Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is a
valid word.
>>> board_contains_word_in_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'SOB')
for row_index in range(len(board)):
if word in make_str_from_row(board, row_index):
return True
return False
def board_contains_word_in_column(board, word):
''' (list of list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if one or more of the columns of the board
contains word.
Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is a
valid word.
>>> board_contains_word_in_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'NO')
i = 0
while i < len(board[0]):
if word in make_str_from_column(board, i):
return True
i = i + 1
return False
def board_contains_word(board, word):
'''(list of list of str, str) -> bool
Return True if and only if word appears in board.
Precondition: board has at least one row and one column.
>>> board_contains_word([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'ANT')
if(board_contains_word_in_column(board, word)):
return True
elif(board_contains_word_in_row(board, word)):
return True
return False
def word_score(word):
'''(str) -> int
Return the point value the word earns.
Word length: < 3: 0 points
3-6: 1 point per character in word
7-9: 2 points per character in word
10+: 3 points per character in word
>>> word_score('DRUDGERY')
word_len = len(word)
if(word_len >= 10):
return 3*word_len
elif(word_len >= 7 and word_len <= 9):
return 2*word_len
elif(word_len >= 3 and word_len <= 6):
return 1*word_len
return 0
def update_score(player_info, word):
'''([str, int] list, str) -> NoneType
player_info is a list with the player's name and score. Update player_info
by adding the point value word earns to the player's score.
>>> update_score(['Jonathan', 4], 'ANT')
player_info[1] = player_info[1] + word_score(word)
def num_words_on_board(board, words):
'''(list of list of str, list of str) -> int
Return how many words appear on board.
>>> num_words_on_board([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'])
num_words = 0
for word in words:
if board_contains_word_in_column(board, word) == True:
num_words += 1
if board_contains_word_in_row(board, word) == True:
num_words += 1
return num_words
def read_words(words_file):
''' (file open for reading) -> list of str
Return a list of all words (with newlines removed) from open file
Precondition: Each line of the file contains a word in uppercase characters
from the standard English alphabet.
words_file2 = [item.rstrip() for item in words_file]
return words_file2
def read_board(board_file):
''' (file open for reading) -> list of list of str
Return a board read from open file board_file. The board file will contain
one row of the board per line. Newlines are not included in the board.
result = []
line = board_file.readline()
while line != '':
in_result = []
for letter in line:
line = board_file.readline()
return result
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For is_valid_word, you can just use: return word in word_list, since word_in_word_list evaluates to a Boolean. A style thing more than anything, but you don't need to do an if/else test.

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