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Created October 13, 2022 11:02
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< -- begin Nate
< copilot_no_tab_map = true,
< copilot_assume_mapped = true,
< copilot_tab_fallback = "",
< -- begin Nate
< -- begin Nate
< ["<leader><leader>"] = { "<cmd>! ./<cr>", desc = "Run application" },
< -- TODO: Add check I'm not on main
< -- ["<leader>u"] = { "<cmd>! git add . && git commit -m update; git push<cr>", desc = "upload idgaf" },
< ["<leader>a"] = { "<cmd>! cd ~/.config/nvim && git diff origin/main:lua/user_example/init.lua lua/user_example/init.lua<cr>",
< desc = "see if astronvim oodate" },
< ["<right>"] = { "<c-w>l", desc = "Move to right pane" },
< ["<left>"] = { "<c-w>h", desc = "Move to left pane" },
< ["<up>"] = { "<c-w>k", desc = "Move up" },
< ["<down>"] = { "<c-w>j", desc = "Move down" },
< -- end Nate
< i = {
< -- begin Nate
< ["<C-e>"] = { "copilot#Accept('<CR>')", silent = true, expr = true },
< -- end Nate
< },
< -- begin Nate
< {
< 'stevearc/overseer.nvim',
< config = function() require('overseer').setup() end
< },
< { 'github/copilot.vim' },
< { 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace' },
< -- end Nate
< -- begin Nate
< ensure_installed = { "sumneko_lua" },
< -- end Nate
> -- ensure_installed = { "sumneko_lua" },
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