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Created January 24, 2011 19:39
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Public Enum VUMLVisibility
End Enum
Public Class VUMLMethod
Public Name As String
Public IsVoid As Boolean
Public ReturnValue As String
Public Parameters As New List(Of String())
Public Visibility As VUMLVisibility
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return If(Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Public, "+", If(Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Private, "-", "#")) + _
" " + If(IsVoid, "!", "?") + " " + Name + " (" + GetParametersString() + ") " + If(IsVoid, "", " : " + ReturnValue)
End Function
Public Function GetParametersString() As String
Dim para(Parameters.Count - 1) As String
For i = 0 To para.Length - 1
para(i) = Join(Parameters(i), " : ")
Return Join(para, ", ")
End Function
Public Shared Function FromString(ByVal str As String) As VUMLMethod
Dim d = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str, "^\s*([+#-])\s*([\!\?])\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\s*\(([^)]*)\)(\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+))?\s*$")
If d.Success = False Then Return Nothing
Dim m As New VUMLMethod
Select Case d.Groups(1).Value
Case "+" : m.Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Public
Case "#" : m.Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Protected
Case "-" : m.Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Private
End Select
m.Name = d.Groups(3).Value
If d.Groups(2).Value = "?" And d.Groups(6).Success Then _
m.ReturnValue = d.Groups(6).Value Else m.IsVoid = True
Dim params() As String = Split(d.Groups(4).Value, ",")
For Each para In params
Dim splitted() = Split(para, ":")
If splitted.Length <> 2 Then Continue For
splitted(0) = Trim(splitted(0)) : splitted(1) = Trim(splitted(1))
Return m
End Function
End Class
Public Class VUMLAttribute
Public Name As String
Public Type As String
Public Visibility As VUMLVisibility
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return If(Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Public, "+", If(Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Private, "-", "#")) + _
" " + Name + " : " + Type
End Function
Public Shared Function FromString(ByVal str As String) As VUMLAttribute
Dim d = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str, "^\s*([+#-])\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_()\[\]-]+)\s*:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_()\[\]-]+)\s*$")
If d.Success = False Then Return Nothing
Dim a As New VUMLAttribute
Select Case d.Groups(1).Value
Case "+" : a.Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Public
Case "#" : a.Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Protected
Case "-" : a.Visibility = VUMLVisibility.Private
End Select
a.Name = d.Groups(2).Value
a.Type = d.Groups(3).Value
Return a
End Function
End Class
Public Class VUMLClass
Inherits VObject
Public fill As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.Transparent)
Public Visibility As VUMLVisibility
Public ClassName As String
Public Methods As New List(Of VUMLMethod)
Public Attributes As New List(Of VUMLAttribute)
Public Subtitle As String
Private Shared font1 As New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point)
Private Shared font2 As New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)
Protected Overrides Sub DrawObjectInternal(ByVal g As System.Drawing.Graphics)
Dim box1Height As Integer = 30 + If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Subtitle), 0, 15)
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, bounds)
g.FillRectangle(fill, Left, Top, Width, box1Height)
If HasBorder() Then g.DrawLine(borderPen, Left, Top + box1Height, bounds.Right, Top + box1Height)
g.DrawString(ClassName, font1, Brushes.White, Left + 3, Top + 3)
g.DrawString(Subtitle, font2, Brushes.White, Left + 3, Top + 20)
Dim yy = Top + box1Height + 4
For Each v In Attributes
Dim siz = g.MeasureString(v.ToString, font2, Width - 10)
g.DrawString(v.ToString, font2, Brushes.Black, New Rectangle(Left + 3, yy, Width, siz.Height))
yy += siz.Height + 3
yy += 5
If HasBorder() Then g.DrawLine(borderPen, Left, yy, bounds.Right, yy)
yy += 5
For Each v In Methods
Dim siz = g.MeasureString(v.ToString, font2, Width - 10)
g.DrawString(v.ToString, font2, Brushes.Black, New Rectangle(Left + 3, yy, Width, siz.Height))
yy += siz.Height + 3
End Sub
Public Overrides Property Color2() As System.Drawing.Color
Return DirectCast(fill, SolidBrush).Color
End Get
Set(ByVal value As System.Drawing.Color)
DirectCast(fill, SolidBrush).Color = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub ParseHtmlContent(ByVal str As String)
Dim LINES() = Split(str, vbNewLine)
Dim block As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To LINES.Length - 1
Dim line = Helper.DecodeHtmlTags(Helper.StripHtmlTags(LINES(i)))
If LINES(i).Contains("<!--Attr-->") Then block = 1
If LINES(i).Contains("<!--Meth-->") Then block = 2
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) Then Continue For
If LINES(i).Contains("<!--Class-->") Then ClassName = line
If LINES(i).Contains("<!--Subtitle-->") Then Subtitle = line
If block = 1 Then
Dim a = VUMLAttribute.FromString(line)
If a IsNot Nothing Then Attributes.Add(a)
End If
If block = 2 Then
Dim m = VUMLMethod.FromString(line)
If m IsNot Nothing Then Methods.Add(m)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToHtml() As String
Dim out As New System.Text.StringBuilder
out.AppendLine("<div id=""" + name + """ style=""position: absolute; " & GetHtmlBorder() & GetHtmlRotation() & " " & _
"z-index: " & Me.ZIndex & "; margin-left: " & Me.bounds.X & "px; margin-top: " & Me.bounds.Y & "px; height: " & Me.bounds.Height & "px; width: " & Me.bounds.Width & "px; " & _
out.AppendLine("<p class='title' style='color:white; background-color: " & Helper.Color2HTMLString(DirectCast(fill, SolidBrush).Color) & ";'>")
out.AppendLine("<!--Class--><b>" + Helper.EncodeHtmlTags(ClassName) + "</b>")
out.AppendLine(If(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Subtitle), "<!--Subtitle--><br/>" + Helper.EncodeHtmlTags(Subtitle), ""))
out.AppendLine("<!--Attr--><hr />")
For Each v In Attributes
out.AppendLine("<p>" + Helper.EncodeHtmlTags(v.ToString()) + "</p>")
out.AppendLine("<!--Meth--><hr />")
For Each v In Methods
out.AppendLine("<p>" + Helper.EncodeHtmlTags(v.ToString()) + "</p>")
Return out.ToString()
End Function
Public Overrides Sub Deserialize(ByVal Data() As String)
Dim rOffset As Integer
MyBase.Deserialize(Data, rOffset)
ReDim Preserve Data(rOffset + 1)
Me.fill = New SolidBrush(Helper.String2Color(Data(rOffset + 0)))
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Serialize() As String()
Dim data() = MyBase.Serialize()
ReDim Preserve data(CommonDataOffset + 1)
data(CommonDataOffset + 0) = Helper.Color2String(DirectCast(fill, SolidBrush).Color)
Return data
End Function
End Class
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