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Last active April 14, 2016 03:32
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import ko from 'ko';
// a simple extension to return false UNTIL fn() returns a truthy value.
// As soon as it does we stop.
// To start again, just set THIS observable to false and it'll re-check and re-subscribe.
// This means it'll check once on creation and once each time we get any notifications of
// changes until fn() is true (which will likely be the first notification).
// Then no more until we set false and it'll check once to get started (just like at creation)
function observeUntilTrue(fn) {
//when called on an existing observable (as an extension), use that. otherwise make our own.
var flag = this || ko.observable(false);
// just run the original function with a short-circuit.
return ko.computed(() => {
return (flag() || fn());
// register as a ko extension. if done once, it'll be available on ALL observables.
ko.subscribable.fn.observeUntilTrue = observeUntilTrue;
//also export this so we can use it as a function.
export default observeUntilTrue; //so you can use it as a module.
import ko from 'ko';
import observeUntilTrue from './observeUntilTrue';
//either use an a ko extension (just needs requir()ed once somewhere before now)
var isDirty = ko.observable(false).observeUntilTrue(() => {
// the real dirty check. make sure you access any/all observables you care to check in the future.
return isReallyDirty();
//or just as a plain function that we require in THIS module.
var isDirty = observeUntilTrue(() = {
// the real dirty check. make sure you access any/all observables you care to check in the future.
return isReallyDirty();
var isDirty = observeUntilTrue(isReallyDirty);
// ==== TO RESET ===
// just set it to false. that's it. It'll fire the dirty check (e.g. isReallyDirty()) right away to subscribe to all the observables.
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