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Created November 27, 2019 00:32
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FlareControls with playback speed.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flare_dart/math/mat2d.dart';
import 'flare.dart';
import 'flare_actor.dart';
import 'flare_controller.dart';
/// [FlareControls] is a concrete implementation of the [FlareController].
/// This controller will provide some basic functionality, such as
/// playing an animation, and advancing every frame. If multiple animations are
/// playing at the same time, this controller will mix them.
class FlareControls extends FlareController {
/// change this value to 0.5 for half speed and 2.0 for double speed, etc...
double speed = 1.0;
/// The current [FlutterActorArtboard].
FlutterActorArtboard _artboard;
/// The current [ActorAnimation].
String _animationName;
final double _mixSeconds = 0.1;
/// The [FlareAnimationLayer]s currently active.
final List<FlareAnimationLayer> _animationLayers = [];
/// Called at initialization time, it stores the reference
/// to the current [FlutterActorArtboard].
void initialize(FlutterActorArtboard artboard) {
_artboard = artboard;
/// Listen for when the animation called [name] has completed.
void onCompleted(String name) {}
/// Add the [FlareAnimationLayer] of the animation named [name],
/// to the end of the list of currently playing animation layers.
void play(String name, {double mix = 1.0, double mixSeconds = 0.2}) {
_animationName = name;
if (_animationName != null && _artboard != null) {
ActorAnimation animation = _artboard.getAnimation(_animationName);
if (animation != null) {
_animationLayers.add(FlareAnimationLayer() = _animationName
..animation = animation
..mix = mix
..mixSeconds = mixSeconds);
isActive.value = true;
void setViewTransform(Mat2D viewTransform) {}
/// Advance all the [FlareAnimationLayer]s that are currently controlled
/// by this object, and mixes them accordingly.
/// If an animation completes during the current frame (and doesn't loop),
/// the [onCompleted()] callback will be triggered.
bool advance(FlutterActorArtboard artboard, double elapsed) {
/// List of completed animations during this frame.
List<FlareAnimationLayer> completed = [];
double modulatedElapsed = speed * elapsed;
/// This loop will mix all the currently active animation layers so that,
/// if an animation is played on top of the current one, it'll smoothly mix
/// between the two instead of immediately switching to the new one.
for (int i = 0; i < _animationLayers.length; i++) {
FlareAnimationLayer layer = _animationLayers[i];
layer.mix += modulatedElapsed;
layer.time += modulatedElapsed;
double mix = (_mixSeconds == null || _mixSeconds == 0.0)
? 1.0
: min(1.0, layer.mix / _mixSeconds);
/// Loop the time if needed.
if (layer.animation.isLooping) {
layer.time %= layer.animation.duration;
/// Apply the animation with the current mix.
layer.animation.apply(layer.time, _artboard, mix);
/// Add (non-looping) finished animations to the list.
if (layer.time > layer.animation.duration) {
/// Notify of the completed animations.
for (final FlareAnimationLayer animation in completed) {
return _animationLayers.isNotEmpty;
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