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Created August 3, 2023 14:01
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Minimal i3wm install from bare arch installation

Make sure to be logged in your user and not as root when running this commands to not cause any problem later on.

sudo pacman -Syu to make sure everything is up to date, than

Install xorg

sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit

Install i3

sudo pacman -S i3

Now we have i3-wm, i3blocks, i3lock and i3status

Install some basic programs to have when you open i3

The basics are, a terminal, a browser, a file manager, an image viewer and a video player, an app selector, a login manager

xfce4-terminal -> terminal

librewolf -> browser

thunar -> file manager

thunar-archive-plugin -> to unzip inside thunar

thunar-volman -> to manage external devices like pendrives inside thunar

feh -> image viewer

mpv -> video player

dmenu -> app selector

lightdm -> login manager

Since I'll be installing packages from AUR I'll use Yay for it, and thus I need to install git and then clone yay

sudo pacman -S git

git clone cd yay makepkg -si

yay -Syu and then install everything

yay -S xfce4-terminal librewolf thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-volman feh mpv dmenu lightdm

sudo systemctl enable lightdm


If something goes wrong you can enter from the tty into the i3 this way:

echo "exec i3" >> ~/.xinitrc to add i3 to xinit


enter to generate the config file

win or alt as the leader ($mod) key (choose what you like)

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