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Created November 2, 2010 18:28
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AES128 in Ruby 1.9.2
# coding: utf-8
# Short code to explain the AES128 (Rijndael) cipher
# Some array operations require Ruby 1.9.2+
# Steps defined by
class AES128
# Mix Rows coefficients
MIX = [
[2, 3, 1, 1],
[1, 2, 3, 1],
[1, 1, 2, 3],
[3, 1, 1, 2]
# Multiplicative inverse in GF(2)[x]/(x**8 + x**4 + x**3 + x + 1)
S_BOX = %w[
63 7c 77 7b f2 6b 6f c5 30 01 67 2b fe d7 ab 76
ca 82 c9 7d fa 59 47 f0 ad d4 a2 af 9c a4 72 c0
b7 fd 93 26 36 3f f7 cc 34 a5 e5 f1 71 d8 31 15
04 c7 23 c3 18 96 05 9a 07 12 80 e2 eb 27 b2 75
09 83 2c 1a 1b 6e 5a a0 52 3b d6 b3 29 e3 2f 84
53 d1 00 ed 20 fc b1 5b 6a cb be 39 4a 4c 58 cf
d0 ef aa fb 43 4d 33 85 45 f9 02 7f 50 3c 9f a8
51 a3 40 8f 92 9d 38 f5 bc b6 da 21 10 ff f3 d2
cd 0c 13 ec 5f 97 44 17 c4 a7 7e 3d 64 5d 19 73
60 81 4f dc 22 2a 90 88 46 ee b8 14 de 5e 0b db
e0 32 3a 0a 49 06 24 5c c2 d3 ac 62 91 95 e4 79
e7 c8 37 6d 8d d5 4e a9 6c 56 f4 ea 65 7a ae 08
ba 78 25 2e 1c a6 b4 c6 e8 dd 74 1f 4b bd 8b 8a
70 3e b5 66 48 03 f6 0e 61 35 57 b9 86 c1 1d 9e
e1 f8 98 11 69 d9 8e 94 9b 1e 87 e9 ce 55 28 df
8c a1 89 0d bf e6 42 68 41 99 2d 0f b0 54 bb 16
].map {|x| x.to_i 16 }
# rcon(i) = 2 ** (i - 1)
# Note the exponenential operation is defined by galois multiplication
RCON = %w[
8d 01 02 04 08 10 20 40 80 1b 36 6c d8 ab 4d 9a
].map {|x| x.to_i 16 }
def xor v1, v2 {|(a, b)| a ^ b }
def shift_rows bytes
i = -1
bytes = bytes.each_slice(4) do |v|
i += 1
v.rotate i
# galois multiplication
def gmul byte, n
b =\
case n
when 1; return byte
when 2; byte << 1
when 3; (byte << 1) ^ byte
b > 255 ? ((b & 0xFF) ^ 0x1B) : b
def mix_columns bytes
# raise "size not right: #{bytes}" if bytes.size != 16
bytes.each_slice(4).flat_map do |slice| do |coef|
r = 0 {|b, n| r ^= gmul b, n}
def sub_bytes bytes {|b| S_BOX[b] }
# [key, round_key1, ..., round_key10]
def key_schedule key
cols = key.each_slice(4).to_a
4.upto 43 do |i|
col = cols[i - 1]
if i % 4 == 0
col = col.rotate
col = sub_bytes col
col[0] = col[0] ^ RCON[i / 4]
cols << xor(col, cols[i - 4])
def encrypt128 bytes
bytes = xor bytes, @rkeys[0] # add round key
1.upto 9 do |i|
bytes = sub_bytes bytes
bytes = shift_rows bytes
bytes = mix_columns bytes
bytes = xor bytes, @rkeys[i]
bytes = sub_bytes bytes
bytes = shift_rows bytes
xor bytes, @rkeys[10]
def encrypt s
raise 'state size should be 16 bytes' if s.bytesize != 16
encrypt128(s.bytes).pack 'C*'
def initialize key
raise 'key size should be 16 bytes' if key.bytesize != 16
@rkeys = key_schedule key.bytes
attr_reader :rkeys
if $0 == __FILE__
aes = 'b' * 16
res = aes.encrypt 'h' * 16
p res.bytes.to_a
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