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Created March 17, 2011 08:56
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runt unit/functional test of current file and output html for textmate

Playing with TextMate is fun, but I can't find any bundle that can make running a single-file unit test or functional test easily.


So I want to custom a command:

  • By pressing key, TextMate will figure out which test to run.

    When the opened file is app/controllers/abc_controller.rb, the test file is test/functional/abc_controller_test.rb

    When it becomes app/models/abc.rb then test file should be test/unit/abc_test.rb

  • By clicking the error message, I can google it (maybe plus a word "ruby")

  • By clicking the trace, I can navigate to the correct file and correct line

A screenshot: (Just like a vim plugin for ruby test)



Thanks to the Very Decently Composed Introduction of TextMate Commands, it's easy!

A TextMate command is simply a script, which may be executed by bash, ruby, python, applescript ... Editor state is saved in environment variables such as $TM_FILEPATH.

  • To read some text input from current selection, just change the input field and read from stdin

  • To link to a page in web browser, use a link with TextMate specific javascript:

    <a href='javascript:TextMate.system("open", null)'>text you see</a>
  • To link to a file opened or not opened in TextMate:

    <a href='txmt://open?url=*file_path*&line=*line_number*'>text you see</a>


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# custom options
ruby_switches = "-Ku -Itest"
google_template = "ruby %s"
# find out test file
require 'fileutils'
$f = ENV['TM_FILEPATH'].dup
$f.sub! /\/app\/models\/(\w+)\.rb/, '/test/unit/\1_test.rb'
$f.sub! /\/app\/controllers\/(\w+)\.rb/, '/test/functional/\1_test.rb'
unless dir = ( $f[/.*(?=\/test\/unit\/)/] or $f[/.*(?=\/test\/functional\/)/] )
puts "Can't recognize test file: #$f"
end dir
# run test
result = `ruby #{ruby_switches} #$f 2>&1`
result = result.split("\n")
# transform results
require 'cgi'
trace_pattern = /(.+\.rb):(\d+)(?=:in)/
error_flip = false
result.each do |line|
case line.strip
when /^\d+\)\ Error:$/
# the next line will be error class and message
error_flip = true
puts "<b style='font-weight:bold'>#{line}</b><br/>"
when trace_pattern
# link to trace file
line.sub! trace_pattern do
line_num = $2
file_base = $1.strip
file_name = File.expand_path file_base
"<a href='txmt://open?url=file://#{file_name}&line=#{line_num}'>#{file_base}:#{line_num}</a>"
puts line, '<br/>'
# link to google
if error_flip and line =~ /^(\w+):(.*)$/
style = 'text-decoration:none;color:black;background:#def'
q = CGI.escape google_template % [line.strip]
q = %Q["open{q}"]
puts "<a href='javascript:TextMate.system(#{q},null);'"
puts "style='#{style};display:block;margin:4px 0'"
puts "title='search in google'>"
puts "#$1:<span style='color:c25'>#$2</span>"
puts "</a>"
error_flip = false
# faint grey unimportant text
puts "<span style='color:#999'>#{line}</span><br/>"



Rspec is not supported yet, but it won't require much modification if you know how it goes!

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